What can I do? I reported industrial dumping of oil in a drain 3 miles from the beach and got fired EPA and city officials wont do anything for me. It wasn’t our company but the management firm that cleans the complex had to pay for the clean up and wants to pass the buck to the one that called EPA. Then they fired me. No Surf/Fish without oil cost me my job.
What can I do? I reported industrial dumping of oil in a drain 3 miles > from the beach and got fired EPA and city officials wont do anything for > me. It wasn’t our company but the management firm that cleans the complex > had to pay for the clean up and wants to pass the buck to the one that > called EPA. Then they fired me. No Surf/Fish without oil cost me my job. Take it from someone who has had his share of legal problems, Get an attorney!!! You’ll find one whp will be willing to take your case on a contingent basis. It should be worth a whole lot of compensation under the whistle blowers laws.
Surfer guy wrote:>>> What can I do? I reported industrial dumping of oil in a drain 3 miles > from the beach and got fired. EPA and city officials wont do anything for > me. It wasn’t our company but the management firm that cleans the complex > had to pay for the clean up and wants to pass the buck to the one that > called EPA. Then they fired me. Where do you live? Jim’s reply is a good one. I may be able to direct you to an attorney. rorywicks
Torrance Ca. South Bay area. Thanks alot, I couldn’t believe that they fired me one day after the city had them clean out the sewers and drains in the complex. And what’s more funny they thanked me for calling so soon.
Et te Brutus.
brah…definitely get an attorney…AND…as soon as that is squared away…call the local newspapers and t.v. stations !!!
If all else fails there are a few decent books you may want to check out… “Anarchist Cookbook”, “Getting Even”, etc. Just for educational purposes - some of that stuff is illegal.
brah…definitely get an attorney…AND…as soon as that is squared > away…call the local newspapers and t.v. stations !!! I have an interview with CBS News today, the company has asked me to stay off the grounds though, but they didn’t see me take photos of the spill/clean up/cover up. I believe my life may be in danger cuz the last thing my boss told me was " to not make a federal case about this cuz someone could get killed".This company has connections if you know what I mean.
S. G.!!!..don’t let these guys intimidate you! The veiled threats (not so “veiled”…[seems like they mean business]) are reason enough to sing. Your life may be in even worse jeopardy if you DON’T say anything. They’ll try to “get rid of the ‘evidence’” (YOU!) - if you don’t draw attention to the situation! You are a worker (with a conscience!) who was dismissed in order to hide something major. you are a liability. The quicker you get to the authorities, the safer you’ll be. It’s easier to knock off a rumor, than something that is out in the light. Squeal like a pig, then get outta Dodge if you have to. There are many beautiful places to live on this earth…you need not live in fear. “F” 'em!
S. G.!!!..don’t let these guys intimidate you! The veiled threats (not so > “veiled”…[seems like they mean business]) are reason enough to > sing. Your life may be in even worse jeopardy if you DON’T say anything. > They’ll try to “get rid of the ‘evidence’” (YOU!) - if you don’t > draw attention to the situation! You are a worker (with a conscience!) who > was dismissed in order to hide something major. you are a liability. The > quicker you get to the authorities, the safer you’ll be. It’s easier to > knock off a rumor, than something that is out in the light. Squeal like a > pig, then get outta Dodge if you have to. There are many beautiful places > to live on this earth…you need not live in fear. “F” 'em! Remember Erin Brokovich?
Howzabout Karen Silkwood? Killed after being run off the road by who knows? The documents that she was supposed to have presented to the court were myteriously missing according to her attorney.
Everybody dies. Only the way you live survives.
Everybody dies. Only the way you live survives. I have kids and a wife they have money and contacts, they wouldn’t let me make the tape with CBS said that I wouldn’t get my severance money about $10.000. I need this cash till I find a job, I was making $50.000 a year till I reported the dumping sorry but I got to go. Safely, quietly my family knows nothing. Thanks. Surfer Guy in Torrance Ca.
Hey Surfer Guy, Have you talked to any lawyers yet? Rich
You wrote: “Only the way you live survives. I have kids and a wife they have money and contacts, they wouldn’t let me make the tape with CBS said that I wouldn’t get my severance money about $10.000. I need this cash till I find a job, I was making $50.000 a year till I reported the dumping sorry but I got to go. Safely, quietly my family knows nothing. Thanks. Surfer Guy in Torrance Ca.” Twice you quoted dollar values. Both times you used the european convention of placing periods after the thousands digit. Americans use commas for this purpose. Even visiting foreigners pick up this U.S. convention in a short order. If you had committed this error only once, I would have called it a typo. You are not who you claim to be. If you lied about living in California, then the rest of your California story is also a fabrication.
You wrote:>>> “Only the way you live survives. I have kids and a wife they have > money and contacts, they wouldn’t let me make the tape with CBS said that > I wouldn’t get my severance money about $10.000. I need this cash till I > find a job, I was making $50.000 a year till I reported the dumping sorry > but I got to go. Safely, quietly my family knows nothing. Thanks. Surfer > Guy in Torrance Ca.”>>> Twice you quoted dollar values. Both times you used the european > convention of placing periods after the thousands digit. Americans use > commas for this purpose. Even visiting foreigners pick up this U.S. > convention in a short order. If you had committed this error only once, I > would have called it a typo.>>> You are not who you claim to be. If you lied about living in California, > then the rest of your California story is also a fabrication. Or like maybe its not, Ndoodle. “He” ccould actually be a “she” impersonating a Europeen. But then WHY two typos in the same paragraph by a Californian? We can guess whatever. This is soooo too thick. Now I`m even more counfused. Dharmon
Noodle, When I started reading this thread a few days ago it was plausible. But, as Surfer Guy’s story developed, it became fairly apparent that it was fiction. I took note when he started claiming that the management company that cleans complex was busted. But, his company fired him with a $10,000.00 severance. If it was the managment company that was fined. The story is already out. Surfer Guy would be eligible for a whole lot more money by sueing for wrongful termination under the whistle blower laws. And then when he started claiming death threats it went totally overboard. But, good catch on the currency convention. I hardly noticed that.
Every bb seems to attract them. Who would come to a surfboard design forum, and invent an unrelated crime against himself to solicit sympathy? A sane person wouldn’t. This invented crime’s perpitrator would be “big business”, and the victim would be “a little guy”. The real victim here is free enterprise, and the American way of life. This poster and his socialist cause are the criminals here. Why doesn’t it surprise me that this sick act would come from a liberal extremist?