resin recipies

I am looking to cut down my need for 3 different kinds of resin in the shop and am looking for some good “recipies” for gloss resin that I can mix for myself. I already can do sanding res (duh!..prety simple) but gloss seems to be a bit more complex.

any Ideas?


1qt laming res, ?oz S.A., ?oz styrene

cheers and thanx,


I eyeball it per batch. A couple of capfuls of surfacing agent and add styrene until it feels right when you stir it. Strain it, add catalyst and brush it on. If anybody knows what the UV inhibitor is or where to get it, please let me know.

…uv inhibitor is hidroxy benzafenone, or h benzothriazole…the brand name is tinuvin… or uv protect )other brand…

-add less than 0.5% of the total…

-its a clear or amber powder…

 Howzit John, Here in Hawaii,Fiberglass Hi adds UV inhibitor to the gloss resin they sell, I'm not sure if their stores on the mainland do the same since the UV factor over there isn't as high as here, but they might. Aloha,Kokua


Hey Matt,

I’m getting such good results with Kokua’s recommended gloss resin mix, I’m going to stay with that. However, since dedicated gloss resins are relatively expensive, I’m looking for a formula that allows me to dial-in my amounts (I don’t do enough boards to “eye-ball it”) with little waste: Any ideas?



well…maxwell…here is what I have total so far:

resin recipies:



	slow set is 5cc MEKP per qt

	fast is 10cc MEKP per qt


	1/2 oz surfacing agent to 1 qt lam resin

	slow set is 5cc MEKP per qt

	fast is 10cc MEKP per qt

gloss:(from swaylocks)

	I recommend that you use Kokua's mixture *ADDED TO THE GLOSS RESIN*

	which is 10% styrene, 5% surfacing agent, and 1.5% MEKP.

	(3.2oz styrene, 1.6oz surfacing agent, and 0.48oz MEKP  per qt of gloss resin)


	That's a lot of styrene combined with what's already in the gloss, so it goes a long way. 

	You need to pull the tape as soon as possible since the styrene

	will bleed adhesive off the best tapes.

Resin Qty: I used a little less than 1 pint per side on the last 9’6" I glossed.

David platt


Dec 6, 2003, 1:57 AM

Post #10 of 23 (17 views)


Re: I do it on all finish coats [In reply to]

Can’t Post

The only resin I use is laminating resin.

For hot coats I add 3% wax in styrene (surfacing agent)per Kilo, up to 5% is acceptable.

For gloss coats 3% w&s then I add 3 - 5 % styrene depending on the temp.

The resin base is the same for all three.

Additives for anti sagging and thinning and gell time are the only difference.

If you have the resources to mix them your self there is no need to have three different

pails of resin hanging around,



anyone got a kilo to quart conversion???
