I've used a few different epoxies, and I'm considering trying ResinResearch epoxy.
From what I read on their site, it's UV resistant and slightly more flexible than other epoxies.
Well , if this stuff lives up to those claims, then that would be great, because my greatest complaints with the epoxies I've tried have been that they yellow and they are very rigid paritcularly in an application where the resin is used over a PU blank with a stringer.
Does anyone have any info to contribute in this subject?
If you using it for a poly blank than use the CE RR Epoxy Resin, it has a UV inhibitor in it to slow yellowing process. Dont leave your boards out in the sun. cover them up
RR epoxy is surfboard specific epoxy its the best, definitely
Greg Loehr will know more pm him, or wait for him to respond to this post.
I use rr kwik over pu with stringer and love it. Very strong boards are the result. I’ve made very clean resin pins and panels and haven’t had yellowing issues. My friend surfed over some rocks the other day and instead of a nasty crunchy poly mess there was just a smooth dent with no exposure to the outside elements. My favorite resin for sure.
I’ve used a couple different epoxies and I really like Resin Research CE over a PU blank. One recent board came out so white it looks like I added white pigment to it. Everyone that is surfing the boards I’ve made with RR epoxy loves them. You get the feel of a PU board, with a ton of added strength and pressure dent prevention. I will also say that I use S glass almost exclusively.
when i used to do alot of epoxy work i would only use rr epoxy and the stuff works great, almost never had any issues with yellowing and never had any complaints abouth flex
i have a pu board glass with rr epoxy and it is about 3 years old now and still white but i do take great care of my boards though
Sglass is just lightly stiffer than Eglass so on thin laminate you will not find a stiffeness difference. Sglass is good with epoxy because Sglass elongate more than E glass so it can take more load with better resilience and abrasion resistance. Sglass/epoxy board will be more durable. Sglass with polyester resin is waste because polyester resin can’t elongate as fiber.