Does anybody have any thoughts on resin stringers? I have heard of them being used. I did a search but could not find anything suitable. I have a slab of xps foam 8’ x 4’ x 3" that I would like to bend to put a rocker into. At first I thought of hot wiring the profile using preshaped plywood templates one of which would become the stringer. However in order to get enough nose rocker I would have glue another piece of foam on top. Seems messy with possible unsightly join and having to cope with shaping over glue/resin joint. Then I thought why not cut the foam in half, put in the pre profiled ply stringer with resin on, then bend and clamp the foam.
But even easier - what if I was to rout a groove in the bottom of the foam about 1.5" deep 0.25" wide down the centre then bend the foam to required rocker then fill the long groove with resin and chop strand / strip of cloth. Would this maintain the required rocker and be strong enough?
Hmmmmmm......................My math may be a little bit off but people have been gluing up stringers for about 50 years...give or take 10 years......makes you wonder why no one does "Resin Stringers"......I've made a handfull of mistakes.......No resin stringers for me.........
fin rope makes a great stringer, cut the blank and resin the fin rope in. the boards are strong and flexible. I’ve done them this way for years.they work great, with no adverse side affects.
I have a Reno Abellira quad that has something like what you are asking, although the resin “stringer” is only extends from the tip of the nose and tail for about a foot or so. Looks like a groove was routed into the blank, filled with resin and then additional glass placed on top to form some “V” in the nose and tail.
You only need to cut into the front of the blank a little longer than the nose rocker , slide in a tapered wood stringer , not pre cut to the nose rocker , but marked on the sides of the wood then bend both sides of the split nose of the blank up or down whatever you prefer , to the rocker lines . If you like what you see , glue with resin and clamp . You will have an almost stringerless board ( stringer just on the first 14-18 in ) . Shape and glass and surf . There is nothing new in the surfboardconstruction world its all been done before .