the tint is done gotta say looks great thanks for all the advice especially cleanlines! if you have done a cutlap in the past all i can say is try this it is good messy fun!! thanks again paul ps any hints on using a die grinder (3" disc) for trimming laps.
the tint is done gotta say looks great thanks for all the advice > especially cleanlines! if you have done a cutlap in the past all i can say > is try this it is good messy fun!! thanks again paul>>> ps any hints on using a die grinder (3" disc) for trimming laps. Resin tints are fun and easy.Cut laps are not hard if you do the following…when the resin gets semi hard get a couple of sheets of wax paper to grab with and flip the board.The wax paper enables you to handle uncured resin without getting sticky prints on the rails of the board.Now you can trim the laps with a razor blade.Another thing to do is to lift the ends of the board up and put wax paper on the glassing rack tees before flipping,this insures that the uncured glass wont stick to the racks.I have used the grinder to trim laps on a triple thick tape line and it works pretty good…I think Herb is on that deal…R. Brucker
great tips Paul J!!! since we are on the subject of resin tints…my next project is going to be a moss green tinted lam. the whole board. i understand the cutlap deal for the bottom layer. but when doing deck layers…must the cloth be the same length, so that both layers are cut at the same point? paul…i think we are having problems with the e-mail thing. i’m not getting yours and vice-versa. but i found your address which i had from a few months back when i was going to get a fin. $34 that was the total?? do you still live in WA?
sorry, read the following post…
paul…i think we are having problems with the e-mail > thing. i’m not getting yours and vice-versa. but i found your address > which i had from a few months back when i was going to get a fin. $34 that > was the total?? do you still live in WA? …I do…Post your e-mail address and I’ll send you my mailing address…
the tint is done gotta say looks great thanks for all the advice > especially cleanlines! if you have done a cutlap in the past all i can say > is try this it is good messy fun!! thanks again paul>>> ps any hints on using a die grinder (3" disc) for trimming laps. Sorry, can’t help… but I’m now an avid fan of the Dremel tool for such uses - especially with the flex-shaft attachment, took me 5 minutes