resin tinting

For trying to get that color “dipped” look on shaping a EPS blank, would it better to paint all the foam underneath the first layer of glass, or use resin tint and only glass “half” the board with the tint, and then finsh the rest with a clear coat? 

Haven’t experimented with tints much, so any advice woul help. 


I really don’t care for airbrush and paint work - I much prefer resin tints and semi-opaques for their depth and richness.  If weight isn’t an issue for your build one thing you could try is laminating a single layer in clear to seal the blank and provide the uniform surface for an outer lamination with resin tint or opaque.  It’s not at all unlike what the builders of wooden boards and comp sands do when they add resin tints to their boards.  



My current preference is foam stain with tinted/pigmented resin for the “dip”, then plain ol’ clear freelap lam over that. You can choose to tape off the stringer for the foam stain, or not.