Is this one as good as I can get? Dont want to skimp on the ol lungs. Its the best I could find and its at the depot.
if anyone knows of a better one please let me know.
I dont want to beat this question to death sorry for another respirator question as ive seen plenty in search but I cant find the 3m 7500 except online, i was wondering if this is comparable or should I just get the 7500 online…or is there a better one than that?
ALSO, if any of you have PICTURES of your vaccum setup please post them or email me.
thanks all!
AOSafety®, Professional Multi-purpose Respirator, 95050
Versatile respirator can be used to provide protection when spray painting, cleaning swimming pools, and pesticide spraying. They also protect against organic vapors (like solvents, glues and thinners), dust (like lead and asbestos), mist, and acid gases, like chlorine and hydrogen chloride (muriatic acid). Soft, rubber face piece and adjustable headband. Clearance for protective glasses or goggles. This P100 (high efficiency particulate air) Filter Cartridge is a lightweight, compact unit. It is approved with a 99.97% efficiency level against a particle size of .3 microns. NIOSH Approval No. TC-84A-0991.