
I was wondering what kind of respirators most of you wear. I am guessing the dust/chemicals can’t be good to be breathing in.

I was wondering what kind of respirators most of you wear. I am guessing > the dust/chemicals can’t be good to be breathing in. …3M type with double filters,and a light breathable nylon/poly haz mat suit with hood.Rubber gloves are a must when glassing/airbrushing.Military level III ear muffs are what I use for sound supression. Shooting glasses for eye protection or dust goggles and a good pair of rubberboots.

I was wondering what kind of respirators most of you wear. I am guessing > the dust/chemicals can’t be good to be breathing in. When glassing definately wear a good quality respirator with an organic filter and when sanding make sure to add a dust filter over the organic one. Actually, I always use the two in combination. I seem to breath nice clean air…ah. No, the chemicals are not very good for you at all. Another note. Store your respirator in a tightly sealed bag because that will give your organic filter a longer life; as it keeps filtering and breaking down when exposed. Happing shaping…and glassing…but think twice about sanding…