
what type do most of you use/recommend when shaping?

what type do most of you use/recommend when shaping? I don’t use one to shape. I use a 3m partical mask. I am unaware of any need to use a respirator for shaping but it probably would do a better job of catching dust. For glassing I use a 3m 6000 organic respirator – they are all pretty much the same. Some have removable filters. Some are a self contained unit that you just dispose of when the filters are done. Look for one OSHA approved You should also use an organic respirator when sanding as gases are released. Use it with Acetone clean up – one of the worst products to breath in the world. Be safe Shine

what type do most of you use/recommend when shaping? The true answer is so many shall we say anonymous surfboard shapers and glassers and sanders manage to make it through their work days using a special respirator made of ice coldbeer, a couple packs of smokes or a few bowls of the evil weed and some loud favorite tunes. Hey big surfing industry secret finallly exposed- your personal health care wellness program has about nothing to do with getting down in the board factory. Its real and always been happening so admit it.

The true answer is so many shall we say anonymous surfboard shapers and > glassers and sanders manage to make it through their work days using a > special respirator made of ice coldbeer, a couple packs of smokes or a few > bowls of the evil weed and some loud favorite tunes. Hey big surfing > industry secret finallly exposed- your personal health care wellness > program has about nothing to do with getting down in the board factory. > Its real and always been happening so admit it. Well I’m 55 years old, have 7 kids and want to see all of them grow up, so I don’t do any work on resin or foam without a partical or chemical respirator. Now after work that ice cold brew is great, but during hours it is water or soda. I’ve grown rather fond of my fingers and still have all ten intact and intend in keeping them that way. Yeh, my former sander/rubout guy used a Marlboro for a breathing tube all the while he worked. Amazing that he had that heart attack! Cigarettes, the number one cause of coronary thrombosis. The day of the underground/illicit factory is numbered, we have so many local/county/state/federal people inspecting us that the brews and bowls have to be kept out of sight. The fire inspectors really hit the ceiling if they see butts on the floor in the factory, so there are NONE inside the building. Can you spell professionalism?

I agree with Jim 100% on this one…learn to wear your masks…(a RESPIRATOR, that is…not a dust mask)…I’d also look into an exhaust/vacuum on your plane. Don’t think that just because your volume may not be as much as someone who’s at it day and night - that you couldn’t get sick… SERIOUSLY sick…because you PROBABLY WILL. Try it; you’ll get used to it…and you’ll extend your time in the lineup. P.S. - a side note…In New York, it has been difficult trying to get respirators. With several people being “anthraxed”, over here, you can’t get supplies! Aside from all the firefighters and police, it seems that the civilian population has been scared into (more than usual) UNusual behavior, and they have stockpiled all the respirators and gas masks in town. stay well! Tom