a while back i posted someting on restoring an old longboard and got good advice plus the reincarnation of a lost thread (thanks ben). Anyways, the longboard restoration is being put off because Im deciding to restore an old 80’s shortboard thats just been trashed and sitting around forever. I already pulled up all the glass b.c it was delamed like crazy. I had to grind out a finbox that was trashed and replace the area with foam. My question is: is it safe for the future strength of the board to route out part of the finbox in the new cabosilled-in foam. My worry is a lack of strength stemming from the discontinuity of the original foam. Not all of the finbox would be in the new foam however as I shortened the board quite a bit and can aford to place the new back fin box farther up than the old one. Once Im done restoring this one, I’ll post pictures and see if its worth having a go at restoring the longboard.
If your fitting and bonding of the foam pieces was good, then there really isn’t any discontinuity. When replacing foam in restorations and repairs, use an over-amount of lam resin, clamp the piece in, and wipe up the excess before it gells. This insures there’s no voids or unbonded areas. Recently, I started using Gorilla Glue. This stuff is foaming urethane that expands 4x, so it really fills any gaps. The bond strength is way superior to lam resin also. The downside is that it cures light tan, so you have to color the glass over it (paint or pigment). I’ve repaired several snapped longboards with this stuff, and it really works well.
… so, what’s this 80’s board you doing…[? with Dave, too , or not?]
Is it a chunky squaretail bump wing thruster, by any chance ? fluoro paintjob ?
you should have some thickness to play around with there, hopefully…
did you strip ALL the glass off…bottom and deck ? [ie : a complete reshape ?]
If you see the ‘my family’ thread I posted about 10 hours ago, three of those boards standing against the wall are complete strip and reshape jobs… two fish and one stubbie [ I’m sure you’ll be able to tell which ones…]
good luck with your 'restoration' [?reshape?] , and let me know how you guys go with the mal eh ? [my next project will be thinning a 9'11 windsurfer blank to try to make a 9' ish mal.
p.s. - I hear you and Dave have been riding some pretty colourful fishes lately ?
…send pics please…maybe on the ‘let’s see some artwork’ thread I’m about to go and resurrect…
i will, im asking for a digital camera for christmas…david left his in the rain and it got ruined, soon as possible
see if you can get a waterhousing,too…sounds like you guys might need , and use it !!
To answer your original question [ Jake? is that your name…sorry, getting old…memory fading !!]…on the foam front, I have q-celled [? “cabosil” ?] in foam, then recut for new boxes, no problem…the 5’11 ‘prawn’ of mine has lasted 2 1/2 years so far with that finbox still holding well !
restoration grinds to a hault, as does surfing since i dont have a job. Ive been given the ultamatum, get a job, and until then, no surfing or shaping. that mixed with $500 in the whole = a big bummer
restoration grinds to a hault, as does surfing since i dont have a job. Ive been given the ultamatum, get a job, and until then, no surfing or shaping. that mixed with $500 in the whole = a big bummer