
I have a vintage Surfboards Hawaii Model A stepdeck that I am beginning to restore. I started to sand off the old gloss coat only to find that it is gumming up something feirce! It’s almost as though it had a coat of laminating resin on the surface. The bottom was scaled and all I wanted to do was re gloss this bad boy! But DAMN! I’ve been thru 8-10 sheets of sand paper already. Other Clues: using a Milwalkee varible speed polisherw/ soft and hard disc. high speed grinder results in same effect using 120 grit alum. oxide paper I’ve been around a while but haven’t run into this before on an old board. As stated earlier…the residue from sanding rolls up into little boogers like it was laminating resin. How bout some insite from those more elderly (i mean experienced) than me. Thanks, JC

this isn’t really advice, since i’m not qualified at restorations…but if you were to scrape a test area down with a razor blade, would you evetually get to a depth that was sand-able? maybe you’re going through time deteriorated gloss, and haven’t hit the hot-coat yet?? good luck with the project.>>> I have a vintage Surfboards Hawaii Model A stepdeck that I am beginning to > restore. I started to sand off the old gloss coat only to find that it is > gumming up something feirce! It’s almost as though it had a coat of > laminating resin on the surface. The bottom was scaled and all I wanted to > do was re gloss this bad boy! But DAMN! I’ve been thru 8-10 sheets of sand > paper already. Other Clues: using a Milwalkee varible speed polisherw/ > soft and hard disc.>>> high speed grinder results in same effect>>> using 120 grit alum. oxide paper I’ve been around a while but haven’t run > into this before on an old board. As stated earlier…the residue from > sanding rolls up into little boogers like it was laminating resin. How > bout some insite from those more elderly (i mean experienced) than me. > Thanks, JC

I have a vintage Surfboards Hawaii Model A stepdeck that I am beginning to > restore. I started to sand off the old gloss coat only to find that it is > gumming up something feirce! It’s almost as though it had a coat of > laminating resin on the surface. The bottom was scaled and all I wanted to > do was re gloss this bad boy! But DAMN! I’ve been thru 8-10 sheets of sand > paper already. Other Clues: using a Milwalkee varible speed polisherw/ > soft and hard disc.>>> high speed grinder results in same effect>>> using 120 grit alum. oxide paper I’ve been around a while but haven’t run > into this before on an old board. As stated earlier…the residue from > sanding rolls up into little boogers like it was laminating resin. How > bout some insite from those more elderly (i mean experienced) than me. > Thanks, JC You might try this(its just one way)Assuming that it is lam resin you can wipe it good with acetone and just hotcoat the board.The hotcoat will enable you to sand away without the gum problem.You may want to start with 80 grit and then go up thru the grades.You can regloss it and polish it out for that mirror effect.Wetsanding is another option but it will take a lot of paper and time…r.b.

Try wet sanding the gummed up surface with 120 grit wet and dry sandpaper and acetone. Wear rubber gloves. Go slowly, wiping off the sanded off material with an old rag dampened with acetone as you go. Eventually, you will get down to the good stuff.

Try wet sanding the gummed up surface with 120 grit wet and dry sandpaper > and acetone. Wear rubber gloves. Go slowly, wiping off the sanded off > material with an old rag dampened with acetone as you go. Eventually, you > will get down to the good stuff. It seems that I’ve been able to power thru all he crap. It took twelve sheets of sandpaper. The rails cleaned up real nice and are back to that blugreenish volan color (aged of course) The crap on the deck and bottom are now yellow in some spots and others started to lighten up. I half tempted to gou thru everything to the weave…re-hot coat and re-gloss. Whew! alot of work and I may not even be able to get the dingy yellow out of the old resin. It more than likly has yellowesd the foam. It still looks better than it did! Thanks, JC