retrofit keels

I curently have a nice 6’ fish with twinnie set up but am looking to retrofit fcs plugs to fit a set of parralell keels

here’s what i propose for placement, i’d appreciate you opinions

Trailing edge will be where A and B intersect and run parralel with the stringer on line B

Have you thought about trying it as a quad? In this case i think you still would use the plugs you have now on that board.

By the way, what kind of keels fins do you plan to use with FCS plugs? I doubt FCS plugs will hold a big keel fin… good luck!


FCS do thier own keel

60/40 foil so it should be fine

My second quwstion wa going to be could i interchange the keel for a couple of trailers and transorm the current into a quad


My second quwstion wa going to be could i interchange the keel for a couple of trailers and transorm the current into a quad

Keel fins have a different toe in and cant than the quad rear, so i gues the answer is: no. But play with the numbers and maybe you find something you like between quad, twinzer, twin keel…

Having those plugs installed, i would go with a quad set up, but that’s just me…

If you finally go with the FCS keels, install those plugs the best you can, and i’d even caped then under glass cloth.


The general rule is: single foiled fins like a bit of toe and cant, while double foiled fins like to be straight ahead and straight up and down.

If I was putting single foiled fins on that board, I’d put them about an inch and a half off the rail, give them about 2 or 3 degrees of cant, and point them about 3 to 4 inches off the nose.

I’ve put keel fins in FCS plugs myself and have had no problems with them. Install them properly and you’re good.

run the back three plugs with the same toe in as the front two …

[that way , you can have a quad , a twinnie , different or the same sized fins … OPTIONS !!!]

…it works for me , on both my fishes !



p.s. -

how "deep " is the “butt crack” on that board , and where is your legrope plug [“leash cup” ] ?

I ask , because those twinnies plugs look as though they might be almost “thruster distance” from the tail tip, yes ?

if so , a plug or two just up from the "butt crack’s apex "may allow you a thruster-like fin setup option , as well as a 5 fin option , too.

Are you game ?



…my thinking being , while you are ALREADY putting in SIX plugs , anyway …you may as well do a back one [or two] at the same time , for a back fin option , too …


I curently have a nice 6’ fish with twinnie set up but am looking to retrofit fcs plugs to fit a set of parralell keels

here’s what i propose for placement, i’d appreciate you opinions


Trailing edge will be where A and B intersect and run parralel with the stringer on line B

Here is the way I put keels under fishes.

Like that one:

The trailing edge of the fins are 18 to 19 cm away from tips, depending on the board’s size. (7.1 inches to 7.5 inches)

I put the trailing edge 3cm from rail (1.2 inches).

Then I consider keels are 20cm long (7.9 inches) and take 4mm to 8mm off the mesurements edge to stringer. (0.15 to 0.3 inches), depending on the behaviour I want for the board.

You may wish to be strictly parallel, that look more classic but a surboard is made to be surfed and to enjoy.

Giving a bit of angle will allow you to get more fun.