rhino balsa blanks

does any one know how i can get a blank from a company called rhino balsa ?

some how i am not able to find them anywhere!!! web site??? email ???



Heard they are out of business.

look here for more info:


Any questions about us or are products please feel free to contact John at (805)450-0169 or myself at (805)637-5559 or visit http://www.rhinobalsa.net .We are in the process of trying to get back are .com that was snyped

back when ecuador was sending tons of cocaine to america,my friend a customs agent would always be down on their docks and big 4x4’s of balsa would fall of the trucks. well customs agents pay 10 bucks for what ever they find on the docks and it’s theirs. so people keep in mind the illegal trafficing of drugs from balsa producing countries can have it’s upside.