Ride your own

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards?

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Kelly Slater doesnt shape his own boards and hes the best surfer the world has ever seen. All Kelly needs to do is surf, not get itchy. Don`t see any big advantages in personal one-offs.

Kelly Slater doesnt shape his own boards and hes the best surfer the > world has ever seen. All Kelly needs to do is surf, not get itchy. Don`t > see any big advantages in personal one-offs. Ok Dale thats a great one lets see just a few?? Starting in 70’s Sam Hawk, Gerry Lopez, Reno, BK, Owl ( My Hero ), Ben Aipa, Wayne L, Terry F, Larry B, MR,… 80’s ??? Hell I’m still lost in the 70’s… I was just thinking how many there is… I’ll leave the 80’s for the kids to say… Long live the underground…

Dick Keating, Bob Cooper, Donald Takayama, Dewey Weber, Nat Young, Wayne Lynch, Bob McTavish, Jon Wegener, Bob Miller, Tyler, Kevin and Joel just to name a very few. —Michael

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? A few that have influenced me are Mike Stewart, Tom Morey, Steve Lis, George Greenough…

How about Tudor ?

Ok Dale thats a great one lets see just a few?? Starting in 70’s Sam Hawk, > Gerry Lopez, Reno, BK, Owl ( My Hero ), Ben Aipa, Wayne L, Terry F, Larry > B, MR,… 80’s ??? Hell I’m still lost in the 70’s… I was just > thinking how many there is… I’ll leave the 80’s for the kids to say…>>> Long live the underground… Indisputably the most influential surfer/shaper of the 80’s was Simon Anderson.

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? George Downing

George Downing I can only answer from a personal point of view.Jim Phillips…he taught me how to surf and shape and is still teaching me to this day…every time his phone rings he probably wonders if it is me with another question.Think of all of the guys he is influencing thru his instructional video.By the way where is Jim?? R. Brucker

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Boards…mats…surf vehicles…Dale Solomonson of course!

Boards…mats…surf vehicles…Dale Solomonson of course! George Greenough’s contributions are legendary.

Tom Blake, Bob Simmons & Phil Edwards.

George Greenough’s contributions are legendary. …I agree …how about Bob Simmons,another man ahead of his time.Herb

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Greenough…

Tom Blake, Bob Simmons & Phil Edwards. All the above plus, Duke Kahanamoku.

I’d like to second Foamdust’s nomination… The DUKE.

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? WILBUR KOOKMEYER AND MOONDOGGY FROM GIDGET

Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Rennie Yater!

Rennie Yater! Ted Spencer!

WILBUR KOOKMEYER AND MOONDOGGY FROM GIDGET Aw come on Surf Hungry this is serious stuff…we all know that Murphy was way cooler than Wilbur Kookemeyer…plus he was riding super short boards in the early sixties. R> Brucker