Hi, From what I’ve read here on swaylocks it seems like the Rocket Fish is useful in bigger waves than a traditional lis fish. So where is the big difference in the designs? Rocker? Foil? Rail? It surely can’t be the planshape. regards, Håvard
Heavens no! That’s the trouble with being half way around the world, with nothing else to do. Do your homework, and get your terminology straight. These different designs have been around for thirty years. More dribble, thanks
Some pics to compare. http://home1.gte.net/res0aepb/rocketfish.htm http://home1.gte.net/res0aepb/brom.htm http://home1.gte.net/res0aepb/beattybrom.htm SteveA
sweet board
The Rocket fish is just a thruster with a little swallow tail, perhaps wider template and perhap a touch thicker overall. That’s why it works better in big waves its basically a thruster with more foam and a little V of foam missing out of the tail. And there 3 or 4 fins. I’m sure someone smarter than me will disagree. The Lis Fish is a short fat plug of a thing with twin keeled fins, its thick and has a swallowtail that is the widest of any desigh; and there is a glorious lack of rocker to speed things up. They make speed and thats why they go too fast for thier own good on larger waves. Poeple will call anything a fish if it has a swallow tail or is just short wide and thick. Once someone asked about my “fish”, well they were asking about an old 6 3" pearson arrow winged pintail!!! I say, never call anything but the traditional fish a fish, except maybe those carnard quads, overwise we wont know what the hell we’er all talking about(or less so) Prevent dumbness, know yer fish
nice, use of termonology, way to set em straight! my question is ive only ridden one old school twin fin fish, what is the basic use for manuevers in riding these. i had fun just hauling down the line. but when i got to the end there wasnt much of a shoulder to try anything on, i was all about barrels at the time. but what are the primary manuevers of a classic twin fin fish?? can u perfect cutbacks? what about airs, i know they are not ment for this, but is it doable. i am ignorant to this subject. i ride a board with a v for a tail(not a fish haha) ans my shortboard, but its dif, its got 3 fins, and is skinnier by far. dj
mpaulson–i really enjoy your posts and insight and humor!!But,you need alittle correction with your very mainstream fish knowledge.First the rocket fish .many of clyde’s fishes are very close to my lis fisheshe has done some redesigning for standup purposes such as toed in fins ,rails for standup applicationin turns and v in the tail for lack of leverage compared to kneeling low and pulling up on rail like we can in knee style.Also a fish as a kneeboard does not go to fast??? It is just too hard to stay on in pedestrian style unless you are tom curren or bunker spreckels ------------------But the think i love about kneeboards is they are sooooo unpopular[smile]
MPaulson, You’re thinking about something like this: http://www.bessellsurf.com/surfboards_rocketfish.php I’m thinking about something like this: http://www.beattyproducts.com/ http://www.surfnwear.com/new/beatty.html (Better picture) regards, Håvard