First - many thanks to everyone who makes this forum what it is. An amazing resource. Mind-blowingly informative for noob, backyard yokels like myself. I cannot convey how much help I’ve received from all of you without your knowing it. Thank you.
Have a line on a Rockwell 653 Versaplane for thirty bucks in “fair” condition. Called the lady, and she said the belt doesn’t work. I don’t know a thing about planers other than what I’ve read on here.
Is this something I should pick up?
I just started fabbing my own blank for my first board last night. The board will be a 6’2", but eventually I want to shape a log, some shorter boards, and a minigun. I can see myself shaping 10-20 boards over the next few years. I’m not looking to make a living doing it, but would love to be able to shape for my buddies at cost. Given that mindset, what it would take to get the planer running smoothly, and the fact that I’m not gonna be shaping too many SUPs, is this the right tool to progress as a shaper with?
If you don’t buy it, let me know. I’ve been looking for one for years. For smaller boards and for better feel, personally I’d go for a Skil 190 or 100. I have been wanting a 653 for doing wood boards and roughing out blanks. They are good for that kinda stuff… very heavy duty, and not the same kind of depth adjustment as the Skils.
I think I’ll try to pick the planer up on Sunday, then give the guys uncled mentioned a call for parts. Kawika - if the planer doesn’t float my boat, I’ll ship down your way at cost if you like.
The 653 is certainly best suited for logs and/or wood boards. it’s a long and heavy tool and it won’t be much at ease on a 6’ board, especially if nose rocker is that of a classic shortboard. But 30$ is a bargain for such a tool, even without a belt. For your first board, you will probably like a shorter/lighter planer a lot more, though.