Roll out the barrel...

Howzit, Boys?!..Who among you favor abrasive grit barrels over blades? please describe why (pro or con/your specific applications). Thank-you, T.

Howzit, Boys?!..Who among you favor abrasive grit barrels over blades? > please describe why (pro or con/your specific applications). Thank-you, T. I dont shape bead foam.I bought a drum and never did like it…I keep my blades sharp and take light passes…no hurry.In my opinion they offer no great advantage on polyurethane blanks…they dont skin a blank very well and make an aggravating fine dust that sticks to you.They are good for final tune ups though.I am speaking about having only one planer.The perfect scenario to me is a Skil 100 with blades for the main cuts and the Hitachi with a drum for final cleanup.Tools are the beat investment there is…just an opinion…R.B.