RR Epoxy and other suplies

Where can I buy Resin Research (RR) Epoxy?

…… Got a hold of Greg and placed order :slight_smile:

Can I buy RR from someone in SoCal?

As for other supplies:

glass: Fiberglass Supply http://www.fiberglasssupply.com list:

5.6oz E-Glass and 6.0oz Warp Bias E-Glass.

I’m glassing longboards, which should I be using?

Is there a better place to be buying a roll?

Is there better quality glass I should be considering?

power pads: I have read the achives on making power pads, but for now I plan to buy.

Where do I find them? I looked on line at Home Depot, Lowes, Harbor Freight and

have had no luck.


Greg will eventually get back to you, maybe he’s out of town. Try calling him at (321) 223-5276. Fiberglass supply in Bingen Wa. is a good dealer to work with and they have power pads at a reasonable price. You can also get power pads from Ferro Industries. Do a web search or try (810) 792-6001. I believe that they also have an 800 number. Good luck.

I got RR epoxy direct from Greg - addressing him at his email address listed at Swaylocks.

Hey 4est!

they sell ferro pads at boat stores (eg West Marine), & power pads at Tool Depot – not necessarily the cheapest but at least you can see/feel what you’re getting.