Rumor Mill

I heard recently that O’neil bought Lost? Can anyone confirm or deny this? I also heard that FCS is totally revamping its system to a slot/track type (I guess in order to compete with those systems that enable you to play with fin placement) and that the new FCS setup will not work with its original tabbed fin templates. Has anyone heard anything about this?

I heard recently that O’neil bought Lost? Can anyone confirm or deny this? > I also heard that FCS is totally revamping its system to a slot/track type > (I guess in order to compete with those systems that enable you to play > with fin placement) and that the new FCS setup will not work with its > original tabbed fin templates. Has anyone heard anything about this? FCS is coming out with a new system later this year.It was supposed to be out in Dec. 2001 but they’re still refining the system. They also got a 2 million dollar grant from austrailian gov. for fin R&D. I’ve been told (from the rep) they’ve got some radical new designs that work insane. Also Kelly Slater was impressed enough that he has signed a new contract with them. Wouldn’t be great if our own Government thought enough of surfing to invest $ into the sport.

Also > Kelly Slater was impressed enough that he has signed a new contract with > them. Was he mostly impressed with the contract money, or the products? Just tryin’ to get a handle on this pro surfing thing…

Also>>> Was he mostly impressed with the contract money, or the products?>>> Just tryin’ to get a handle on this pro surfing thing… While still on this topic… Tom@Daum: FCS isn’t jumping your wagon with this new design are they? Also on that note…I recently went in to my local shop to buy FCS plugs. I made a comment about the price to the cashier ($2.50 each, not unreasonable, but still makes you think. I had to buy eight of them.). He said, in fact, that FCS doesn’t even want them selling their plugs at all. What’s up with that? Is this intended to protect shaper/glasser/ding-repair profits…or just to protect FCS profits? By the way, Nels, I’m with you… I’ll try to curb my cynicism…so I’ll just mention: If you haven’t already, everyone must read the Surfer’s Journal (not the latest issue, the one nefore that) article on Big Wednesday, particularly the next to the last section. It discusses what would happen if the characters in the movie were pro surfers today. Very funny but sad and true. I have respect for some pros today, but I think we just need to be sure and uphold a balance of integrity. By the way,

Also>>> Was he mostly impressed with the contract money, or the products?>>> Just tryin’ to get a handle on this pro surfing thing… Kelly would have to answer that question himself. If he did it for the money then he’s a sellout without soul. But any real guy would go with the system he thinks is good.

Tom@Daum: FCS isn’t jumping your wagon with this new design are they? Also > on that note…I recently went in to my local shop to buy FCS plugs. I > made a comment about the price to the cashier ($2.50 each, not > unreasonable, but still makes you think. I had to buy eight of them.). He > said, in fact, that FCS doesn’t even want them selling their plugs at all. > What’s up with that? Is this intended to protect > shaper/glasser/ding-repair profits…or just to protect FCS profits?>>> By the way, Nels, I’m with you… I’ll try to curb my cynicism…so I’ll > just mention: If you haven’t already, everyone must read the Surfer’s > Journal (not the latest issue, the one nefore that) article on Big > Wednesday, particularly the next to the last section. It discusses what > would happen if the characters in the movie were pro surfers today. Very > funny but sad and true.>>> I have respect for some pros today, but I think we just need to be sure > and uphold a balance of integrity.>>> By the way, $2.50 a plug is the going price from FCS, Was $1.25 last year. The reason they really don’t want to sell the plugs to just anybody is that the person might not know how to properly install them. Then they will think it’s not a good system when actually it’s just a bad installation.They’re a no brainer to install but anybody can screw it up if they don’t know the procedure. They’re just trying to make sure this doesn’t happen. But what the heck you were able to buy the plugs,but why 8 plugs,it only takes 6 for a normal thruster setup!

Heard FCS got sued by the original creator of FCS. I guess they stole the idea from some guy and he had proof he thought of it first. So FCS had to pay $10million or change the system. So thats prolly why they are going to change the system. Prolly suck worse than the original FCS system

Heard FCS got sued by the original creator of FCS. I guess they stole the > idea from some guy and he had proof he thought of it first. So FCS had to > pay $10million or change the system. So thats prolly why they are going to > change the system. Prolly suck worse than the original FCS system Haven’t heard that rumor yet but hey I live on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific ocean. I’ll call the FCS boys on Oahu and ask them.Is prolly supposed to be probably. I see you’re another satisfied FCS customer(joke). Have you had problems with their systems,if so maybe you could tell me why you don’t like them.

He said, in fact, that FCS doesn’t even want them selling their plugs at all. > What’s up with that? Is this intended to protect > shaper/glasser/ding-repair profits…or just to protect FCS profits? I heard more or less the same thing from the local repair dude. He said he could sell me one, but I had to promise not to tell where I got it. Maybe he wasn’t allowed to resell the plugs or something, anyway he said that FCS didn’t really like to sell anything but full sets of plugs. Bad publicity I guess since the plugs are not supposed to break.

Haven’t heard that rumor yet but hey I live on a tiny island in the middle > of the Pacific ocean. I’ll call the FCS boys on Oahu and ask them.Is > prolly supposed to be probably. I see you’re another satisfied FCS > customer(joke). Have you had problems with their systems,if so maybe you > could tell me why you don’t like them. I can’t really go into specifics with Kelly. But, it was highly political. I can show you what is in the public domain regarding the original inventor.

I can’t really go into specifics with Kelly. But, it was highly political. > I can show you what is in the public domain regarding the original > inventor.>>> > All of this means good business timing for the Redex crew. It’s a better system . As for Kelly? What do you think?

All of this means good business timing for the Redex crew. It’s a better > system . As for Kelly? What do you think? money will win eventually.

kokua, why you so into fcs? Sure its a good system but their is such more better systems out, Future and RedX. Fcs breaks to damn easy, it sucks. Give me the advantages of why its better than RedX or Future, then I will tell you why Future and RedX are better.

kokua, why you so into fcs? Sure its a good system but their is such more > better systems out, Future and RedX. Fcs breaks to damn easy, it sucks. > Give me the advantages of why its better than RedX or Future, then I will > tell you why Future and RedX are better. I can’t figure out why this site is so anti FCS. I’ve seen O’fishal systems delam between the box and bottom lam just from normal use and they’re a pain to repair. Future’s aren’t supposed to do that because they’re a fiberglass composite, but low and behold they to will delam,also a pain to replace.We use different fin angle settings for different bottom contours and both of these systems are pretty much preset.I’ve seen a Futures rep screw up the router job,so just imagine if a rookie is doing it. Red-x is a better system until you hit the reef and have to replace the rail section that got blown out along with the plug. I keep hearing about FCS breaking, but the only ones I’ve seen break are the ones that hit the reef,much easier to repair than other systems.I tell customers I will replace the plugs I install, for free, if they break for any other reason than hitting a reef,so far I haven’t had to. Maybe I’ve got the installation down better, I not sure.I’ve Seen FCS plugs not centered in the holes, I’m sure that might cause them to break out, but that would be the installers fault not the system itself. Had Clyde from Edge install one of their systems for us a couple of weeks ago,it’s a good system and I’m sure we’ll do some more of them. No system is perfect,not even glass ons, so just go with the system you think works the best for you.I did a fin system check on new boards at the surf shops here in Hanalei,out of approx.70 boards I found 2 future systems but all the rest had FCS. FCS might not be your choice but they seem to be ones used the most on Kauai. Sorry guys but I’ve got boards to make. Aloha

I can’t figure out why this site is so anti FCS. I’ve seen O’fishal > systems delam between the box and bottom lam just from normal use and > they’re a pain to repair. Future’s aren’t supposed to do that because > they’re a fiberglass composite, but low and behold they to will delam,also > a pain to replace.We use different fin angle settings for different bottom > contours and both of these systems are pretty much preset.I’ve seen a > Futures rep screw up the router job,so just imagine if a rookie is doing > it. Red-x is a better system until you hit the reef and have to replace > the rail section that got blown out along with the plug. I keep hearing > about FCS breaking, but the only ones I’ve seen break are the ones that > hit the reef,much easier to repair than other systems.I tell customers I > will replace the plugs I install, for free, if they break for any other > reason than hitting a reef,so far I haven’t had to. Maybe I’ve got the > installation down better, I not sure.I’ve Seen FCS plugs not centered in > the holes, I’m sure that might cause them to break out, but that would be > the installers fault not the system itself. Had Clyde from Edge install > one of their systems for us a couple of weeks ago,it’s a good system and > I’m sure we’ll do some more of them. No system is perfect,not even glass > ons, so just go with the system you think works the best for you.I did a > fin system check on new boards at the surf shops here in Hanalei,out of > approx.70 boards I found 2 future systems but all the rest had FCS. FCS > might not be your choice but they seem to be ones used the most on Kauai. > Sorry guys but I’ve got boards to make. Aloha I’d like to add this, we install whatever system the customer wants.we are flexible in that repect,I hope you guys can say the same.

I’d like to add this, we install whatever system the customer wants.we are > flexible in that repect,I hope you guys can say the same. So, let me get this straight. The only problems you have with Red X is that the box can tear the rail out and there currently are more FCS in the racks. Well I will not deny that under severe collisions I have seen the box blow out the rail. But, the degree of impact required to knock a Red X is much greater than FCS. The percentage of failures of Red X is less than 1/10th of 1%. Fins transfer energy by holding your rail in and acting as a pivot point. The more secure your fin is mounted in your board. The less energy you loose to wash out and cavitation. If you have any power at all in your surfing, you will definitely feel the difference. As far as, how many boards currently are made with FCS. Well, they have had seven years and a whole lot of government subsidizing that has given them this advantage. But, we have been gaining ground ever since we started. This year was a huge year for us in Australia. If Hawaii’s economy had not gone flat since the submarine incident, we would have made bigger in roads there as well. The tide is definitely turning. We are doing all we can make the best product available and to get the word out. I’m not trying to be anti-FCS just pro-Red X.

Ok you stated your points kokua. FCS isn’t a bad system at all, its pretty sweet, but it just breaks too easy. I have never heard of O’Fishl or future systems delaminating. At the shop I work at we only repair about 2-4 future or O’fishl boxes a year. I can’t count how many time we do fcs a week or even a day. I tell ya its great for ding repair business. I have no repaired one RedX box yet, that system is too strong. I will put any system the customer wants in their boards, but stock or if they have no preference I put RedX. RedX is also easy to install if you have the equipment. The repairs I heard are easy too, but haven’t had to do one yet. Pro RedX as well