There sure are lost of Brazilian shapers here. Good craftsman fo sure. Well, lets get a battle Royal of shapers and see who is macho, Rusty or a selected Brazilian Shaper. One battle in the shaping room and one on the matt, No holds barred! I see Rusty practices some sort of Japanese karate. Well, lets see what a match up between a Gracie Ju-jitsu shaper and an American shaping icon turns out as far as macho agression. We-ll match him up against a Brazilia about Rusty’s age to make it fair? Any betters?
There sure are lost of Brazilian shapers here. Good craftsman fo sure. > Well, lets get a battle Royal of shapers and see who is macho, Rusty or a > selected Brazilian Shaper. One battle in the shaping room and one on the > matt, No holds barred! I see Rusty practices some sort of Japanese karate. > Well, lets see what a match up between a Gracie Ju-jitsu shaper and an > American shaping icon turns out as far as macho agression. We-ll match him > up against a Brazilia about Rusty’s age to make it fair?>>> Any betters? I here Rusty and other shapers have been here…any truth to the rumor. I can speak for myself that I have had pro shapers friends here before and they usually don’t answer questions…just getting ideas. So many of you must be pros?