SA gelled

Hey Guys, Have a small bottle of sanding agent that is gelled. It is about 2-3 months old and tried warming it up to no avail. Is the stuff just toast. I am ordering more but just trying to get through a couple of quick touch ups today. Regards, Herb Bean

%&*%$ing I have more repairs. When typing that last message I heard bang outide. The #$%@ing wind blew my rack and board over against a concrete wall. I give up!! Time for a beer… Herb Bean

Try painting the can black and leaving it out in the sun with the cap off.It may be ok if you shake it up.Don’t shake the beer.

caient cha just add the styrene back inta the can to replace that styrene what ewaporated , I aint no biochemical Psycologist but I remember selling parofin to ol rick holt one time cause he was makin’ surfacing agent, disolve the dern waxe… aint thet our favrit pal fer them hootie coots ?..Dr. ambruise…resident clinical psycho-no -knowlogical bio chemist research department head (one stall down from the mops)…I remember sellin rick Holt parofin to make up some emergency surfacing agent one time… yep sure as shootin that was it ! p.s. dont drink the stuff them water bottles get tempting…

…Ambrose is correct,just throw some toxic styrene in it and shake it up a bit/let it sit a few and waa-laa SA …Herb,you can make SA yourself with para.wax and toxic styrene,or just fix you dingy with lamm resin. As the lam resin goes off,after gell,when it’s still very warm, put a piece of wax paper over it and heatgun it abit.this with make for a sandable surface.Herb

Herb and Ambrose are right as usual.I was assuming that no styrene was on hand.

Thanks, You guys are amazing with the tips. I did not know those and constantly read and reread the archives. Speaking of tips on lam. I thought someone posted once that you could also rub car wax on it (small areas) to make it sandable. True? Regards, Herb Bean PS, while waiting for replies I tried to replace the fan belts on my truck and the counter jocky gave me one wrong belt. Of course it would be the last belt (furthest back of three) that I took off. One of those days… haha

Howzit Herb, you can lay wax paper over the area and as the resin heats up while kicking off it will absorb the wax from the paper. Old trick that will always work in a pinch. Aloha, Kokua

…get some old school sexwax or parafin rub it on heat it up w/ a heatgun=sandable surface.Herb

…use that trick for skateboard stuff and molding sometimes,works great.Herb

Or something like a furniture paste wax. I keep some Butcher’s wax around for all purposes, like keeping the planes slippery, sawblades and such from rusting ( Kokua, you might want to try some to keep tools from rusting - works good for my boat tools and the stuff like tablesaw tables and etc t6hat get lots of condensation here in our very temperate climate. ) , and it’ll do a lot of different stuff in a pinch. Mix in a little graphite and you have a screw thread lubricant ( such as for cutter depth adjustment screws) that doesn’t act as a dust and crud magnet. Be forewarned, it will goo up your sandpaper some when it comes time to sand it. hope that’s of use doc…