Sad News.........Mike Doyle just passed away.

With those hats they should have gone to the Kentucky Derby.  Wonder what one of those would be worth today if you still had one.  The surf wax and the Doyle were his two biggest contributions to the Surf Industry.  He just never stuck with one product long enough to really cash in.  The easiest money he probably ever made were his Time Share sales and his Art/Paintings.   He won a lot of contests and as I have said was “The Standout” at Sunset during the early to mid sixties.  Must of loved his Mother to go around in one of those silly hats.  Not one of his better business decisions.  

[moderator edit].  And C Street every weekend.

RIP Mike Doyle. Never met him would see him around Encinitas before he moved to greener pastures… It’s sad to think that about the last few years of his life ALS is nasty. Robs you of your life before It hills you. 

Mike led a life that reads like a Jack London adventure story…and always the smile…ALS, not many harder ways to go…the outpouring from across the tribe says a lot about the person he was

glassy lineups forever, Mike

Contrary to what many seem to believe, the invention of Waxmate by Doyle and Garth Murphy was not the first surfboard specific surf wax. There was a company called “Surf Wax” that existed a good two years before Waxmate. They sold three different water temp formulations in red, blue, and green. I know this because I worked at a shop that sold it. Here is an ad from around 1965.

anyone know who shaped his boards? I snagged one a few years age ago…


RIP= Ride In Pardise 

dude was and is a legand