San Diego sewage spill

Just saw on the news that there was a 24,000 gallon raw sewage spill into the SD River, so Dog Beach is contaminated… not that it’s always that clean to start with, but just a head’s up for anyone thinking of surfing there today (don’t!)…

Pumping out the bilges before winter rain? I can remember the warning signs going up during the week, coming down on Friday afternoon for the weekend tourist crowd, then going back up on Monday. I guess they weren’t too concerned about the health of visitors? It’s usually pretty stinky there. OK. I admit it. I miss that little wave. Mike

Ocean Beach scum! Yuck! Keith, that shouldn’t effect Terradactyl Cove.

looks like mission beach jetty wins the prize for the most inundated…

only those with toxic waste suits will be allowed to surf the 4-6 foot perfect barrlows

If you dont own one they will be aailiable for rent at Skid Marks Surf shop in MB

designed with the finest materials avaliable ,impervious to viraland,hermeticly

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you will be so stoked you may wish to buy a new one yourself!

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weighing in at only 5lbs

including 4hr individual air supply

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call now for your reservation.

less guys out than tavarua

be the first arshole on your block to flaunt your conspicious wealth covered in ship and shore bound gunk.

…contact I 899 INA SHIP

ina ship is a subsidary of LLipton tea

also great for those tar days in santa barbara and huntington

ask about our car rinse off chambers.

Get yer’ shots boyz… gotta love it when the river flows… brown!

One of the things I REALLY don’t miss about SD after living there for 28 years.


It’s RIDICULOUS how our city government just lets the waste go when they don’t have room for it!

Why can’t they build multi-million gallon storage tanks to prevent the overflow from getting into the ocean before they can treat it? I don’t know much about politics, but we need to start a movement to get our city AND CITIES AROUND THE WORLD to fix this problem. So let us start a petition to get our city to build a preventive overflow system for San Diego!

To every surfer/environmentalist who reads this thread: Please write our congressmen to get the ball moving…Dose anyone out there know how to start a petition to get this on the next ballet???

Also, post any emails/Addresses of our congressmen so it will be easer for people to help.


Austin Williams



IT’S TIME FOR A REVOLUTION!!! Please write our congressmen to get the ball moving…Does anyone out there know how to start a petition to get this on the next ballet???

First off, register to vote…read news articles in the papers or on the internet and find out who the people are who are interested in your position…check out the info available on the private or government entities who are responsible for whatever problem interests you…all contact info for elected officials is on the internet these days…write them letters and elected officials or their staffers almost always will provide a real education on the subject…and take that real education with a grain of salt…educate yourself as to what issues are Federal, state, and local…

San Diego has a great place to start with Donna Frye…there is somebody who should be hugely sympathetic on the subject…volunteer to work on her campaign in whatever capacity you may be able to contribute…and for God’s sake encourage your fellow voters to read the instructions when they vote!

It would be good to point out that this certainly isn’t a local San Diego issue- some version of this is what happens every time we get a decent rainstorm in California.

So thats the mighty san diego river. Nice. I like the open water wetlands behind the barrier beach and how the river water looks so blue and clean, its fresh water floating over the calm sea. The river water looks so blue compared the sea water with its green-colored algae bloom. Too bad about the sewage spill though.

The city of san diego is a joke. I spent 3 years working for them . . . for some reason they don’t spend money properly. I was technical support for their computers . . .

case 1) printer would break at the SDPD. I got called out, paper jam, cleaned up, oh wait, the fuser’s not supposed to be in that position. I touch it and pull back from the heat. Using soiled printer paper shreds, it comes out like taffy. But it comes out. Ok, we just need to order the $20 part from HP, I can put it in, we can use the extra printers from the pool . . . put back the toner done.

NO. I have to call for a tech from the contracted company (yes that one that used company credit card to fund happy hours. They’d take us city techs along . . .). He looks at it, fills out his billing card. $30 diagnostics. Then calls another tech. He charges $90 for a $20 part from HP. Then the labor is $100 to slide the part in, easy like changing the ink cartridge. $220?? Watching red tape and bureaucracy at it’s worst. Priceless.

Eventually I was told not to think too much, not to rattle the cage. . .

Oh and that nice stadium and convention center. Mainly funded via taxpayer money. While working on a pc, someone had left open the folder where memos are stored …

SDPD covers an area that most other cities would use 6000 police. We’ve only got 2000 or so, but now probably worse and experienced guys are jumping ship.

Hey they’re in a budget crunch, so lets take away from necessary services like fire dept, police.

I’ll bet ya the city didn’t want to waste the energy / resouces to treat the sewage. That leaking sewage pipe in PB? Oh they could find it. But bring in the guys that can find it with their nice tools would cost too much. Heck even the cost writing up the contract will break the city’s leg.

Maybe if Fry gets in, she’ll make some movement towards stewardship of san diego’s environment . … even though I don’t agree with alot what she stands for, I do agree that we need good environmental acts . . .

We’ve had numerous clean water like bill acts for voting . . . some pass most don’t . . .

Here’s where you can reach them:

Thanks for the update Kieth.

Hey Ben, Where’s that photo really from?

I’m not taking sides, promised not to get into political debates on Swaylocks…

On a positive note ,

The Encina Waste Water Plant in Carlsbad California has a very good reputation.

You may not like all the development along Palomar Airport road and El Camino Real but almost all of the landscaping is watered with reclaimed water. Look for the purple pipes.

The kids and I counted 140 new trees planted in the center median between Melrose and El Camino Real.

Now, back to Surfboards and surfing…



So thats the mighty san diego river. Nice. I like the open water wetlands behind the barrier beach and how the river water looks so blue and clean, its fresh water floating over the calm sea. The river water looks so blue compared the sea water with its green-colored algae bloom. Too bad about the sewage spill though.

No… I don’t know where that is but that isn’t Mission Bay(left) or Ocean Beach(right). Still though… working as a boat captain on Mission Bay, windsurfing and surfing in that area… there were many days that you were taking a chance just being in, on or near the water.

Ray, That nasty photo is of a sewage spill in Fort Pierce Fla. 10/19/1998. It does kind of look like the Mission Beach and OB area…

here is the link if you are into this kind of stuff.

I did not realize how that picture looked nothing like Mission Beach, but the point still stands. Thanks for posting thoes sites hiroprotagonist ,very helpful. Not to start a political debate, but I can’t truly say that having only 2,000 cops verses 6,000 cops is a bad thing. 2,ooo is stilll too many for me to deal with…Just my oppion.

