I would like to meet and “interview” MASTER board shapers in the San Francisco area. I am working on my graduate project in the Design department at San Francisco State University. I don’t surf but want to learn more on the theory of board design and shaping. I want to talk to all you long time shapers out there and find out what makes some boards great and others not. All the info I learn will end up in my 30+ page paper about “making the perfect board”
What a great thesis…When you get piece of work done, you should post it somewhere and tell us how to get to it. I am just starting to shape my own boards, (still not done with the first) and would love the input that your paper would provide. Every little bit helps. Marc
chris- i got my degree at sfsu in the design dept also! while attending state, i surfed all over the area. a fellow design student buddy of mine opened sf surf shop back in '90. his name is kyle bernhardt. he and another guy (john schultz) have been shaping boards for their shop since. kyle is now living on maui, but continues to fill orders. john is holding up the fort at the shop and is a totally cool guy. give him a call. good luck. --kirk
If you don’t try to talk to Doug Haut and Johnny Rice you’ll be really missing out. They’re both in Santa Cruz. I think the guy at Cowboy in Half Moon Bay has been around for a long time and Jeff Clark in HMB knows a little bit about big wave boards. Along with the guys at SF Surf, you should have a pretty good list. Good luck from another former SF Stater.