hey guys just wondering what grit everyone is going up to on a sanded finish. Are you putting any treatment over it when your are done? thanks Klein
hey guys just wondering what grit everyone is going up to on a sanded > finish. Are you putting any treatment over it when your are done?>>> thanks Klein I like to go to 320. I have noticed that a board with paint/lots of graphics will show more sanding marks. Plain white, you really can get away with 220. The Orbital sander will give you much cleaner results - so if you hand sand, you may need to go higher to get a good clean look. sHInE (only a hack) http://users2.fdn.com/~shine
hey guys just wondering what grit everyone is going up to on a sanded > finish. Are you putting any treatment over it when your are done?>>> thanks Klein Yes my friend there is a way to seal a sanded finished board very effectively. I don’t know exactly what the name of the product is but the techniques is to use a tack rag to wipe the board down carefully and then wipe a couple of thin, very thin, coats of polyeurathane on it. It works great and leaves a nice glowing finish. I’ll bet someone here on the forum knows the brand-name of the best product to do this with and where it’s available. Good Surfin’, Rich
hey guys just wondering what grit everyone is going up to on a sanded > finish. Are you putting any treatment over it when your are done?>>> thanks Klein 320 grit is fine then we seal with Jasco grout sealer,seems to work really good
Yes my friend there is a way to seal a sanded finished board very > effectively. I don’t know exactly what the name of the product is but the > techniques is to use a tack rag to wipe the board down carefully and then > wipe a couple of thin, very thin, coats of polyeurathane on it. It works > great and leaves a nice glowing finish. I’ll bet someone here on the forum > knows the brand-name of the best product to do this with and where it’s > available.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich…The EASIEST to get a hold of is “future” acrylic floor polish.Just a thin coat with a piece of tee-shirt rag,and let dry completely.Then srub it lightly with a green scrunge pad.Both are avalible at your local supermarket. >Dolphin skin is another >or Behr industral floor sealer…the list goes on.Herb.
Do these sealing products have to be re-applied? Or should 1 coat last a while?
Do these sealing products have to be re-applied? Or should 1 coat last a > while?>>>The finishes I have described should last as long as the board does,as long as you don’t wipe it off with any solvents,like orange cleaner/chiefs,acetone,paint thinners,or goofoff(etc.)Herb.