sanding poly coat over paint

So I have painted a design into my board (on the hot coat), then put aother layer of poly resin over the paint job (i dont care about weight). I am about to sand the top coat but im worried that i will sand to deep and sand away the paint job. Is there anything i should be worried about?

high spots and low spots, hopefully the board was prepped properly so everything is even

i would start off with the highest grit possible, maybe blend in the edges with 320 then do the rest with 400 and go up as high as you want, just put a nice and lite touch to the sander so you dont sand through

I do this a lot. As SDrepairman said... as long as your polish coat is laid properly you shouldn't have a problem. I'll feather the edge w/ 320 and go 400 over the top. Just keep the sander moving and go light. I give it a quick buff then hit it with 600. If you've got low spots hit those by hand.