Sanding Screen

O.K. guys here is some new crazy stuff. I got some new sanding screen the other day and figured out a way to wear it down and make it more it user friendly.Go Ahead and laugh now. Take the screen and put in a 1 gallon tupperware container,throw in a handfull of gravel,close the lid and toss the whole deal into a clothes dryer with the temperature on COLD!The tumbling motion and the gravel will break the screen in nicely.(mine took about 20 minutes but you may want to watch it. Strange but true.)

wow! messing with the dryer AND the tupperware…all to break in a piece of sanding screen. you are either single, or very brave. either way you exemplify the best qualities in all of us; a ‘spare no expense’ mentality when it comes to board building, and the willingness to share new discoveries. swaylock, let’s index this one under “Abrasive prep”.>>> O.K. guys here is some new crazy stuff. I got some new sanding screen the > other day and figured out a way to wear it down and make it more it user > friendly.Go Ahead and laugh now. Take the screen and put in a 1 gallon > tupperware container,throw in a handfull of gravel,close the lid and toss > the whole deal into a clothes dryer with the temperature on COLD!The > tumbling motion and the gravel will break the screen in nicely.(mine took > about 20 minutes but you may want to watch it. Strange but true.)

Absolute fricken genius!! It’s taken me 3 years on one of my screens to get it how I want it. The Tupperware and rocks thing should keep the dryer repairman busy at your house for awhile, or after your wife heard what you were up to, maybe you no longer reside there! aloha, tom

Absolute fricken genius!! It’s taken me 3 years on one of my screens to > get it how I want it. The Tupperware and rocks thing should keep the dryer > repairman busy at your house for awhile, or after your wife heard what you > were up to, maybe you no longer reside there!>>> aloha, tom Maybe I screwed up on this post,Is tupperware the plastic stuff?Thats what I used,not ceramic.An old sheetrock bucket will do just fine.Actually I taped an old bath towel around the contaner to keep the noise down. I am currently a bachelor and live like slob.Thanks Guys.

O.K. guys here is some new crazy stuff. I got some new sanding screen the > other day and figured out a way to wear it down and make it more it user > friendly.Go Ahead and laugh now. Take the screen and put in a 1 gallon > tupperware container,throw in a handfull of gravel,close the lid and toss > the whole deal into a clothes dryer with the temperature on COLD!The > tumbling motion and the gravel will break the screen in nicely.(mine took > about 20 minutes but you may want to watch it. Strange but true.) I heard my dad tell my mom something about watching paint dry. Have anything to do with that?

Maybe I screwed up on this post,Is tupperware the plastic stuff?Thats what > I used,not ceramic.An old sheetrock bucket will do just fine.Actually I > taped an old bath towel around the contaner to keep the noise down. I am > currently a bachelor and live like slob.Thanks Guys. …Try some regular window screen w/o the grit.Herb

…Try some regular window screen w/o the grit.Herb …Nice find ,cleanlines.Herb

Watching paint dry is a lot more boring,you dont get to hear all of those thumping noises coming from the dryer.

…Nice find ,cleanlines.Herb Now thats a thought.Plastic or metal screen?I looked at my windows and it kinda feels like worn out 120 grit.By the way red scotchbrite pads glued to a piece of sponge makes a great backup for screen.It doesnt slip and is porous so it will take foam dust.I tried the felt deal but it kinda loaded up. Another strange trick is to hot glue a work glove to the back of your soft sponge pad,no more trying to grip da thing.You can even make one for each hand and really go for it.Makes it hard to answer the phone but what the hell,we are talking about strange innovations in a by hand craft.I have more crazy stuff if you guys want it.Give me a goahead and I will put the stuff up.Thanks eh Herb.

hey cleanlines, i really really liked the screen tumble one…if you have more stuff, definitely post it! i enjoy reading your posts, and their inventive nature. i’d give you five goaheads, but we don’t have any goas in these parts! ramon>>> Now thats a thought.Plastic or metal screen?I looked at my windows and it > kinda feels like worn out 120 grit.By the way red scotchbrite pads glued > to a piece of sponge makes a great backup for screen.It doesnt slip and is > porous so it will take foam dust.I tried the felt deal but it kinda loaded > up. Another strange trick is to hot glue a work glove to the back of your > soft sponge pad,no more trying to grip da thing.You can even make one for > each hand and really go for it.Makes it hard to answer the phone but what > the hell,we are talking about strange innovations in a by hand craft.I > have more crazy stuff if you guys want it.Give me a goahead and I will put > the stuff up.Thanks eh Herb.

hey cleanlines, i really really liked the screen tumble one…if you have > more stuff, definitely post it! i enjoy reading your posts, and their > inventive nature. i’d give you five goaheads, but we don’t have any goas > in these parts! ramon Hey Ramon that was good,made me think about my spelling and the fact that when I was a Kid in Hawaii we called sandals “goaheads”, also flip flops and Zoris. Will give you some strange stuff on masking tape tomorrow.It will be strange but true.

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting cleanlines in his “office.” The man does have it together, although sometimes he can’t find it! He does take the time to tutor a blank raper like me, and for that I’m greatful.

Now thats a thought.Plastic or metal screen?I looked at my windows and it > kinda feels like worn out 120 grit.By the way red scotchbrite pads glued > to a piece of sponge makes a great backup for screen.It doesnt slip and is > porous so it will take foam dust.I tried the felt deal but it kinda loaded > up. Another strange trick is to hot glue a work glove to the back of your > soft sponge pad,no more trying to grip da thing.You can even make one for > each hand and really go for it.Makes it hard to answer the phone but what > the hell,we are talking about strange innovations in a by hand craft.I > have more crazy stuff if you guys want it.Give me a goahead and I will put > the stuff up.Thanks eh Herb. …Plastic,but I bet the metal would work.Again old window screen works better than new stuff.Thanks for the tips…and keep them rolling!Herb

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting cleanlines in his “office.” > The man does have it together, although sometimes he can’t find it! He > does take the time to tutor a blank raper like me, and for that I’m > greatful. Tuna your boards looked good and you pretty much learned it all by watching the Swalocks crew do their thing.The only thing that I tought you was to have a good planer that is adjustable as you go, and how to use it.I shape my boards 80% with the planer. A long time ago I used to go 95% but then again I was cranking out 8 per day.I just cant figure out why those pilines are so crooked Tuna…is it because you are to cheap to buy me lunch? Damn I gotta go find something.Aloha Bro