Sanding the gloss coat

So I need to sand down the line where the top and bottom gloss coat meet. If I sand them, do I need to polish it or will all of the colors pop and it will not look sanded? It’s my first board and I don’t know why to do. Thx

What I am trying to say is that I still want the gloss look but I want to sand away the line.

I use a new razor blade as a scraper to carefully take down the tape line.  I do this to minimize scratches to surrounding gloss.  Still have to polish it out.

Yeah - like mako224 says.  I put the board on edge in the racks, put on my magnified reading glasses and scrape the ‘high side’ of the seam… I.E. the side that overlaps the other side along the edge.  Add some 400 and 600 grit wet/dry (don’t get too carried away) and buff. 

Here is a question…

Am I having a senior moment

Maybe just me

haven’t used “gloss resin” in a very long time.

but when I did

rubbed out the gloss lap   vixen file, 400 WD to 800

BTW Wet dry the whole thing to maybe 1000

and polish, BBBling!