...sandstacking photos

Carrying on from this thread…

 <a href="http://www.swaylocks.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=184692;search_string=sandboarding;#184692">http://www.swaylocks.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=184692;search_string=sandboarding;#184692</a>

The Location

A fun one…

and another…

Super Spain Star Ullises.

Another one…

haha, hehe, oh s**t…

Whilst sandboarding itself is a little fun. Riding your own creation is stacks fun. I made this board when i was about 9 and it still amazes me how well it came out. (not blowing my own trumpert though…)

It used to have straps but i’ve since took them of for a more surfing feel.

these were only about 12’ dunes so there wasn’t a lot of room for carving but its still good when theres nothing else to do ( ie… can’t go surfing).

Try it someday.

that third shot is a good one , Josh !

…did the Spaniards take it ?

do they go sandboarding when they are home in Spain , I wonder ?

did your sister have a go of the sandboard too ? [or was it a “bloke’s day out” ? ]

Sister had a go too!

That shot of the spanyaids was his first go ever (not bad!)

sis took the photos of me and i took the shots of spanyaids.

Sister took a detour via the srubs…

yes, but …

now can we see the video footage ?

(ya know I’m waiting to see the faceplants in the water stuff , don’t you ?!)


here’s my kids sand sliding into the water. I have a great face plant video but it’s 5 MB and I don’t think it can be posted here…

When I was a teenager I used to sandboard this place, which is half an hour from where I live. The dune is very very high and steep but the ride was quite disapointing since you can’t really get much speed sandboarding compared to snowboarding or skateboarding. So much drag …

(the small dots on the dune are people)

hi pierre !

mate , if you get hold of an old boogie board , those things FLY down sand dunes !!

I used one at lancelin here , whose dunes are also very steep and high , and ended up having to SIT on the thing , to maintain control [with my light weight , and no footstraps , standing up became too hazardous …got launched on a few bumps going very fast !


you can go super fast with good Laminex/Formica.


there is no video, i don’t have a video camera.

I like my board without footstraps. i had straps on for many years and yes you turn easier and its easy to do airs but i still like the barefoot feel.

Lancelin , West Australia

c.1990 ?

Thanks Ben!

Do you ride those dunes too?

[psst…that’s me feller…don’t tell anyone , but I was 29y.o. , once !]


Did you make that board? you look younger now…

a] no , some guy who came with us had a commercially bought one

b] christmas presents for Josh this year , then !

c] the boogie board went HEAPS better down the dunes …didn’t sink , like the sandboard tended to.


Gotta wax the bottom with car wax between each run. The difference is amazing. Thought I was going to break my neck.