
My brother and I are going to be in Scotland October 1 -10 and we’re hoping to hook up with any folks willing to give us a show around the north coast around Thurso. We’d venture out of that area (Outer Hebrides, etc) with the right hookup.

Any Swalockians from Scotland out there? Anybody with any mates there to put us in touch with?

Many thanks!!



The Magic Seaweed Site has surf reports for UK & Ireland, with spots in Scotland shown.

Try this site, they seem to know more than most.

Did the cold weather survival course for the North Sea a while back, see if the surf report has water temps.

Good luck w/ the trip



Great site. Thanks for the tip.


Mike. I’ll cut and paste your message up at the magicseaweed forum… I’m a regular there :slight_smile:

There’s a couple of guy’s from that area around Thurso who I’m sure could be a help…

If your heading out to the islands give these guys a try, they come highly recommended.

I’m North England based so can’t be of much use, although if you’re passing by the Lake District let me know and we’d be sure to extend some good ol hospitality.