scrap nose/tail skim board project

The boys and I didn’t have any blanks to play with a few months back, so we decided to build a skim board out of scraps for foam. I cut in some joints and gorilla glued the stringer and used an old concave template to outline the shape. At this point I lost interest as new blanks arrived, so I turned it over to the boys to finish. Still have to hotcoat and gloss coat it after they reinforce the board with another layer of glass top and bottom for added strength. Here’s some of the process so far…

There are definitely people making glass/foam skimboards. I was down at the Victoria invitational a couple months ago in Laguna Beach (brother is pro). There were some in the contest. My brother said they were some guys in Maui making them. I did a search for maui skim and found some sites. Check it out.


Thanks for the information. Looks like they have some really high tech stuff. Skim boards nowadays are very light…almost seem too light. I remember cutting out perfect two foot in diameter circle skim boards out of 3/4" plywood that would get water logged and heavy and we would throw them like frisbees on to the sand seeing who could do the most 360s. Seems like the heavier they were they’d farther youd go…talk about glide… Heres a few more pics of the process when i turned it over to the boys.

awesome. good to see your lads getting into it so early. they look deservedly stoked. good on 'em!