Anyone care to evaluate this blank? Why only 3 1/8" tail rocker? that sucks! +3/4"T seems like the Noserider ticket, what do you guys think?
Surfhungry: This blank caught my eye as soon as it came out so I ordered one. Seems that the catalog sheet that came in the mail earlier noted that additional tail rocker would be preferred if used for a noserider but the standard plug had the “traditional” longboard in mind. I’m with you on the added rocker and that’s the way I went +3/4, had them put 2 stringers 1/4" at the nose and wedged to 2 1/2" in the tail. I hoisted it on the shaping racks last night for a pre-skinning survey. It looks good. Tom S.>>> Anyone care to evaluate this blank? Why only 3 1/8" tail rocker? that > sucks! +3/4"T seems like the Noserider ticket, what do you guys > think?
Surfhungry:>>> This blank caught my eye as soon as it came out so I ordered one. Seems > that the catalog sheet that came in the mail earlier noted that additional > tail rocker would be preferred if used for a noserider but the standard > plug had the “traditional” longboard in mind. I’m with you on > the added rocker and that’s the way I went +3/4, had them put 2 stringers > 1/4" at the nose and wedged to 2 1/2" in the tail. I hoisted it > on the shaping racks last night for a pre-skinning survey. It looks good.>>> Tom S. I haven’t shaped one yet, but cut 26 stringers out of misglued ones. It has a flatter deck than the old 9’9". The natural rocker is what Wayne Rich thought appropriate for its design and use, modify as needed, with a flip tail it should nose ride like a mutha’
im shaping two of these presently and i love the design. its gonna be sick for noseriding. i scooped it out and flipped the tail. woo buddy. i cant wait to ride it. austin
I haven’t shaped one yet, but cut 26 stringers out of misglued ones. It > has a flatter deck than the old 9’9". The natural rocker is what > Wayne Rich thought appropriate for its design and use, modify as needed, > with a flip tail it should nose ride like a mutha’ JIM,GENE,or CLAY, if you were shaping a 9’8" noserider(beachbreak/rocky reefs, no pointbreaks)(Model T template) using the 9’9"W, how much ‘+"T’ would you order for serious hangten time. Do you feel the added spooning out of the tail ‘deck’ is also a plus in noseriding? After riding a 9’8" Takayama Model T (it sorta sucked!) I feel it would ride much better with a +“T to allow looser cutbacks etc… I wonder if Donald adds tail rocker to team boards(to liven them up), cause compared to my uptail 10’ it was a stiff slab(but noserode well!) and i had to nurse my turns. Tail flip ala ‘Nuuhiwa Bing Noseriders’/Con Ugly are still not that prevalant in Shops. Is It more work for the production Shaper? cause i just don’t see any minuses to 4+” of tail rocker(expecially in pitching beachbreak), so what is it with the moderate tail rocker? Thanks for your comments.
JIM,GENE,or CLAY, if you were shaping a 9’8" > noserider(beachbreak/rocky reefs, no pointbreaks)(Model T template) using > the 9’9"W, how much ‘+"T’ would you order for serious hangten > time. Do you feel the added spooning out of the tail ‘deck’ is also a plus > in noseriding? After riding a 9’8" Takayama Model T (it sorta > sucked!) I feel it would ride much better with a +“T to allow looser > cutbacks etc… I wonder if Donald adds tail rocker to team boards(to liven > them up), cause compared to my uptail 10’ it was a stiff slab(but noserode > well!) and i had to nurse my turns. Tail flip ala ‘Nuuhiwa Bing > Noseriders’/Con Ugly are still not that prevalant in Shops. Is It more > work for the production Shaper? cause i just don’t see any minuses to > 4+” of tail rocker(expecially in pitching beachbreak), so what is it > with the moderate tail rocker? Thanks for your comments. I can’t knock Donald on this board, they were beautiful to shape, but in keeping with the “traditional” look and feel of the board, that is what the end result is. My own noserider has a ton of tail boost, how much? I never measure, when I layed out the rocker temp, I stopped when it looked “right” to me. The extra tail rocker sucks, litterally, in anything over 3 1/2’, but for the small stuff, great. The bigger the wave, the more moderated the rockers need to be, you can’t drive 9’ of rail line straight up and down a wave.
JIM,GENE,or CLAY, if you were shaping a 9’8" > noserider(beachbreak/rocky reefs, no pointbreaks)(Model T template) using > the 9’9"W, how much ‘+"T’ would you order for serious hangten > time. Do you feel the added spooning out of the tail ‘deck’ is also a plus > in noseriding? After riding a 9’8" Takayama Model T (it sorta > sucked!) I feel it would ride much better with a +“T to allow looser > cutbacks etc… I wonder if Donald adds tail rocker to team boards(to liven > them up), cause compared to my uptail 10’ it was a stiff slab(but noserode > well!) and i had to nurse my turns. Tail flip ala ‘Nuuhiwa Bing > Noseriders’/Con Ugly are still not that prevalant in Shops. Is It more > work for the production Shaper? cause i just don’t see any minuses to > 4+” of tail rocker(expecially in pitching beachbreak), so what is it > with the moderate tail rocker? Thanks for your comments. I got the outline sheet for this blank and set it down (not where I keep my blank info) and it walked away -but on most blanks for a true noserider I add 3/4-1" tail rocker in the last 12-18" of the tail —I’ve even been doing high perform noser with this rocker and getting good feedback–the Model T did seem a bit tame in the tail for me but you can’t argue with the results Donald has had with it.