SE Florida supplies

Since I’m often working on boards while I’m visiting my parents place in Fla, I want to know if anyone knows of suppliers close to the Jensen Beach area that I’m unaware of. So far I only know of… - Clark Fla. in Melbourne - about 2 hours north. - There is another blank supplier in West Palm (name escapes me now) about 1+ hours south. - Joe’s Auto-Marine in Stuart (about 10 minutes away) sells silmar s249a resin (under the name of ‘surfkote’), glassing/sanding supplies, and fiberglass cloth. Other than that, I’m ignorant of what might be around. Mitch - a shaper in Jensen - was real helpful with info a while back but, not being clued into the area too well, I wonder if I’m still missing some obvious places that might carry blanks or glassing supplies. Anyone have any leads? Thanks, Eric

Fiberglass Florida is in Rockledge, just a few miles from clark foam. I don’t know of anything further south toward jensen. The number to Fiberglass FL is 321-639-3046. They sell everything from glass to resin to leashes and tail patches. Clark Foam is 321-259-1508. Good luck.

eric, check under the swaylocks resources tab/materials and supplies/glue products in west palm beach, just north of forrest hills…they keep a smallish selection of clark blanks in stock (call to check availability, or order…they make a weekly trip to clark in melbourne). they have cloths/poly resins/epoxies and a selection of fins and systems also. nice people…you’ll pay about a 15 - 20 dollar premium on the blanks though.

Thanks Ramon and Mike. I’m making a list for my next trip down. Since the shipping is so expensive for blanks to NY, I may buy a box or two of blanks when I’m there and pay the airlines to fly them up as boards (4 blanks to a box - I hope)… I think that’ll be about $100 less than the blank shipping cost from Clark (this was Mitch, the Jensen shaper, suggestion). Good idea - or will the airlines destroy my blanks?>>> eric, check under the swaylocks resources tab/materials and supplies/glue > products in west palm beach, just north of forrest hills…they keep a > smallish selection of clark blanks in stock (call to check availability, > or order…they make a weekly trip to clark in melbourne). they have > cloths/poly resins/epoxies and a selection of fins and systems also. nice > people…you’ll pay about a 15 - 20 dollar premium on the blanks though.