seabase white flash speedcoat

hi, is anybody using this white flash speedcoat from seabase? i’m having problems putting it even and without dry patches. any tips?



i can’t help you with this, but let me tell you a story that happened to a good friend last summer.


He owns a surf-shop and does a few ding repairs; A guy comes in with a brand new flashy white Stewart that he has just put a very small ding on the bottom. No problem, come back tomorrow morning, it will be done and since it’s very small, it won’t be noticeable. The next morning, my friend calls me for help: “I just fine-sanded the repair area and it has turned grey!!!” I go to the shop, have a look at the board and sure enough the whole repair zone is grey… We try and understand what happened (too much catalyst or something) but it’s the first time I have ever seen that… No clue. Then my friend says something about the guy purchasing his board through Seabase. Not knowing what to do, I call them and I get the answer: all their boards are sprayed with this special “flashy white” varnish. It’s great because it’s even whiter than foam. Trouble is, as soon as you sand a small area, it looks grey in comparison. or you have to patch the area with said product… Think of this before using it, maybe…


white flash is good on a white board really makes them bright white!

but over any colour/tint it changes the colour and you can see the sparckles in it.

and as balsa said not good to repair over unles you can respray with it.

also have a good respirator ready that stuff is pure evil on your lungs!!

1 more its is very thick and sprays easily only put on one coat and polish from there as further coats wont dry and will leave rack marks.

though gotta say if your are doing a pure white board and want a quick real flat pro looking finish this stuff works.


“real flat pro looking finish this stuff works.” hi paul, thats what i’m looking for.  we tried different technics to spray but never got it really good. we had good areas dry areas and bumpy areas. we used the big gun, small gun slow, wet and wetter…we allways had to sand it and its very easy to get through and have ugly smoky yellow zones.

so right now its just a coat no speed @ all.



did you thin it out with standard thinners at all?

is your compressor bigg enough to handle spraying?


hi paul, we tried thinning as well but it has the opposite result. it drys even faster and the surface feels like sandpaper. the compressor is not the biggest but handled what we did before.



im running it on a 200ltr compressor and have no problems

if you are getting lots of nipples it is probably from overspray

can you spray the whole board in one go? if not there is your problems having to wait for the compressor to recharge.

and thinners is the way to go i spoke to the guy who does the spraying at seabase.

and you need no dust floating around.



I heard they were working on a water based version but it hasn’t come to light yet?

hi paul, did he tell you what thinner he is using?



just standard thinners

what size compressor do you have?

do you have a filter on your spray gun?


hi paul, the gun has a filter in it (do you let it run through a filter before spraying?)  the compressor is small with 50l but up to now we didn’t have problems with its size. what pressure do you spray? and are you using the big gun? it was quiet hot the last days, what is your working temperature maybe i’ve to cool it down a bit. it seem to dry to fast.





there is your problem

50ltr isnt enough to run a gun to spray lacquer.

with 50 ltrs you compressor will be low on air after around 10seconds thats 2 passes up the board then you have to wait for the compressor flow to pick up, so the board is dry on the 2 passes you have made and you get overspray.

temp wont matter i can spray a shortboard 6ft in around 25secs can you compressor run full for that long?

i had a 50ltr as my previous compressor it lasted me 2 months before i got the 200ltr

im using a gravity feed large gun.

also what grit do you sand to?


hi paul, i sprayed this morning with about 25% THINNER and less pressure 2 thin coats 5min. wait, flip 2 coats and ready. its looking good. for a brighter appearance i think just one more coat.

thanks for the help

