As per the suggestion and consequent urging of Chipfish and others I’ve modified the Who’s Online and Member Directory pages so you can now search for users based on their location.
Please note the location information is what you provide in your public profile, NOT your private Swaylock’s account profile. Please feel free to update your public profile and list your location if you haven’t already. I think the best way to do it is “City, State, Country” such as “Los Angeles, California, USA.”
If you click on the “Who’s Online” link, it will now show the location of logged in members. If you click on the Member Directory, it will bring up the member directory, sorted by who’s online.
If you click the location header at the top of the member list, it will sort the member list by location (unfortunately, right now, it does it alphabetically, ascending).
Finally, you may search the member directory by Location. For example, type in “Australia” into the search term, and select “Location” from the dropdown search menu and you’ll see all the members who match that term. The search is based on “Likeness” so you could type in “Aust” and you’ll get all the “Australians” and “Austrians” and any other location that has “Aust” in it.
Thanks Chipfish for that suggestion and the persistence!