This is my secound board and I would like some feedback. I want to get better ,thanks
Hey Cat, to get the feedback you're lookling for post more photos. The deck, bottom, side view foil shot/rail shot and fin placement/type. I'm sure that will get some attention.
Hey Catfish,
Board looks good for a second attempt.
I'm not sure what you're asking for. Constructive criticism? a "well done old chap"?
The proof is in the riding and pretty soon you'll start to see all the wobbles in your outline and different rail shapes etc. the more boards you shape.
Some will pick every minor flaw in your work but that is just the nature of some people.
Photos can also show things that aren't there.
Just keep shaping and you'll keep getting better. It's not rocket science just lots of practice.
Like I said for a second attempt not too bad.
looks like it'll go ok, been riding it yet ? You'll give yourself the best feedback, well after the high of riding something you made slowly wears off, then like above mentioned, you'll start to see flaws and things you wanna fix on the next one.....good stuff...
Ya I know ,more photos .I can"t post a lot of pics at once, any tips? thanks
Hey Cat, The only reason I suggested more photos is to see the board from different angles because shadows and lighting can show something that's not really there like wobbles in a rail line or even assymetry. The first two look good.