I am interested about how i seal a board that i do artwork on the sanded board. I assume that i shape the board and glass it then sand it perfect and then give it to my artist. then im not sure of the exact way that i can seal the board. I have seen and arcylic sealer in the archives but it was late and i didnt write it down. sorry for the stupid question but i want it to look really good. thank you very much
basically what does matt biolos have his glassers do when the drew guy is done doing the artwork?
I’m going to assume the board is laminated with polyester resin.
There are some real pros here at Swaylocks (many of whom come here to learn just like you and I) that may differ with me and in the interest of seeking knowledge we both may learn something.IMHO questions asked in honesty can never be dumb questions, however a little research will often yeild the answer if one has the diligence to persue the topic.
So here are some ideas:
The art work is best done with water base acrylic.
The two options that occur to me right off the top for sealing (skinning over the art work)are (1) gloss and polish with polyester (2) spray the board with laquer base high gloss polyurethane, which comes in aerosole cans. If you spray it carefully you won’t have to polish the board but I think option (1) is the better of the two.
Water based acyrlic seal isn’t an option.
Maybe someone will chime in with some better ideas than mine. Hope it turns out for you.