seeking knowledge

I am going to shape my nephew a board, he is a really good skateboarder and he ripped my 6’4" to pieces. first wave to the shoulder and turning blew me away how fast he picked it up, I got him a little grom blank. I am interested in knowing how small i should go, in jim phillips video he says that you can put the fins closer together so that he can turn it easier. Ive got some ideas but i wanted some expert advice before i start shaving foam. Tail width and fin placement, thickness? He’s a thirteen year old kid, i neeed to get the exact height and wieght but he’s your average thirteen year old skaterkid. thanks trevor

i’m no expert… i just wanted to make one point… being thirteen you might want to think about how long he’ll ride this board is it just for for the long haul? or will he get another board next spring? with that in might you’ll want to make it a tad longer/thicker/wider etc maybe as he might sprout at any moment… i’ll ask around about the fins… jg