Semi gun Template?

Hi, Im planning on shaping myself a semi gun board for bigger surf and was hoping for some ideas on templates and rocker curves.

I found my existing 6’6" a little hard to paddle and get front foot speed easily from. Being used to wider nosed boards for my everyday boards I am thinking of making something with  widepoint quite  forward with a pintail or rounded pin for decent sized waves.

The dimensions Im thinking are  6’4" to 6’6" tops and possibly 19" or just under, I have been cheeky and gathered a pic or two off the internet that illustrates pretty closely what I am after in terms of outline. Ill aim for about 5" nose rocker and 2" tail rocker and will make it a Quad or 5 fin for options…

I could try and draft up something which I normally do for templates but maybe someone has a template they would like to share!? I would be happy to do a swap or something to keep it swaylocks…

Anyway heres the pics I got for outlines which are pretty much what im thinking : One is from Grasshoppers blog who posts on here and the second is off the Diverse site so thanks for the images, its easier than trying to describe what im after…

Cheers for any help or feedback…

Your templates look good. I made one 6’3 x 20 by blending the templates of a 6’10 pintail and a 5’7 stub. The wide point is forward about 4 inches from memory.

Mine goes really good, really holds like a longer board, but does feel like you have a wharf in front of you if you’re used to riding stubs

I’m finding this good to around DOH…


Grasshopper has an excellent answer from these eyes. Wow, that thing looks good imho.

Uploaded with

hey Nocean, you might do better increasing tail rocker and decreasing nose rocker on a stubby mini gun.

decreased nose rocker to ease paddling, increased tail rocker to keep the nose from pearling on takeoff.

Party up front, business in the back…  Seems like that’s what’s going on with these newer sawed off miniguns or stepups from what I gather.

kinda like this one:



just a suggestion



Cheers for all the great input.
Karl, that looks like a sweet board!, im thinking wide point even more forward…

Yip Grasshoppers one is spot on for me i reckon.

Cheers Balsa that looks interesting, maybe a bit sharp/narrow towards the back for my purposes im thinking, looks like a single fin template?

Chrisp, yeah thats a good idea, im thinking along the lines of a step up Slayer, I have a slayer type template so may blend it together with my 6’6" and shorten it… I found a pic below of the original board that inspired the slayer On Channel Islands site, looks pretty good to me too, maybe add a few inches to this sort of outline. This is Kellys 5’11" “Deep six” or something like that…


I had a look on your site already Andrew, but again widepoint too far back, its a really great site though and has been really helpful so thanks again!

some lucky bastard, wow, pintails are something special, I reckon you can go a 12" nose, mayb a little less, wide point half way, definately could be wrong, 19 wide, 13 and a half tail, fin placements and size is as important as anything, H. concave under the nose, flattening out the not too much rocker, I love surfboards.

nice old car in Padang

how’s this?


Nice quiver harris!

Hey thats bang on Andrew! , is that on your site, would be happy to donate for a printable version?



Nice quiver harris!

Hey thats bang on Andrew! , is that on your site, would be happy to donate for a printable version?



No, i just whipped it up.  I can get it to you tonight.  PM me your email address.



Now thats what I call service, got the pdfs already and got so excited I cut out the template straight away, looks great so hope to get into shaping it soon…

Measure ments came out at : 6’5" x 19" and both the Nose and Tail measurements are 13" which looks good…

Templating from a pdf/ blending curves style: so quick and easy! Thanks Andrew:)

Sweeeeeeet.  Glad to share the stoke!


Hi Andrew,
Id love to have more to show but been putting this off so that I can thickness a piece of Redwood weatherboard for the stringer, got as far as cutting the blank out and in half, will post as soon as I get some progress happening!

had to dig up this old thread but managed to shape this today complete with a linen deck inlay:

Ended up 6’4" x 18 7/8" x 2 1/2" tail : 13" and nose 13"
rocker: 4 3/4" nose and 2 1/2" tail.
Have left plenty of volume in the rails and foiled the tail pretty thin, hopefully its a rocket…
Quad setup, post more pics once its glassed, Cheers Andrew for a great template!
