So far we’ve been using one set of racks I made for shaping AND glassing. They are the standard hommeade 5 gal. buckets with 4x4’s cemented into them, with 2x4’s on each side of the posts and small 1x4 “T’s” on top that stick out about 6" on each side, giving us the “U” in the middle to put the board on it’s side. While this setup has worked out great for shaping, we find that it’s almost impossible to glass on them because (if you can picture this), when you lay the board down on the racks and go to wrap the laps under, the “T” part of the rack interferes with where the lap should wrap up underneath those areas. Add to that the fact that you end up getting little drips of resin here and there on the “T” parts, and then you have to re-wrap with foam so the resin doesn’t ding your next shape and well…You see where I’m going with this. It’s a PAIN IN THE A$$. I have my buckets buried about halfway in sand, so they’re not easy to move around. Should I just spend the money and make a different set for glassing that are thin and narrow or does anyone else have a good idea for how to solve this problem? Thanks.
I shape and glass on the same racks and have had the same problems. Eventually, I will build separate glassing racks. When I lam I either completely cover the sponge with masking tape, or I tape wax paper over the sponge stuff to keep the resin off. I also rotate the racks so I have enough room to pull the laps without the racks getting in the way.( there’s a surfin pig on animal planet right now) Carefull you don’t tip your board off when the racks are rotated. Mike
Yeah, I’ve been doing the wax paper thing, but it seems like the boards just want to slip off so easily when I do that…Rotating the racks is a good idea…
I’ve had separate racks from the beginning and believe me, life is so much easier that way. Onlt foam on one set and hardened resin (for strength) on the other. You’ll be glad you did it.
Ride on! Tom
Ha, that’s classic Kokua…We came up with something very similar. It’s two little 1x4’s attached to a long 4x4 that just slides down into the “U”'s in the racks. Seems to work ok, but it wiggles a little too much, and I think the little 1x4’s on the top are a little to narrow…They’re only about 6" total. Here’s a doodle of what it looks like…
Howzit tenover, I like the fact that the racks I drew won't wiggle and when through glassing you just unscrew them and it's back to shaping. I did a similar alteration to my sanding/painting racks since I do some really small boards. Also I did a sliding attachment to my glassing racks for those tiny (4' 10") boards. I showed one of my shaper friends the same rack set up for his racks and he loves them. Aloha, Kokua
Yo Kokua.For some reason your drawing cracked me up.I see these super cool drawings the Bros. do using fancy computer graphics and all that but for some reason I had vision of you squatting in the shaping room with a worn out pencil making a sketch on the back of a piece of sandpaper.LOL RB
That’s exactly what I pictured kokua doing too! Lol…I just did it on the computer because I’m on it all day long and it was easier…I’ll go ahead and build the attachments like you explained and see how they work. It’d be nice to make them vertically adjustable so you could just slide them up when needed…Think I’ll get the router out, route out a vertical slot and use wingnuts. I’ll let you know how they work out. Thanks.
dont know if this will help you… or anybody…BUT for my first board i had built a shaping stand. no buckets just 2x4’s and a couple of posts. A sheet of plywood connected the two stands together to hold them at a static length. when i was ready to glass… i just flipped the whole set upsidedown, so the feet became the glassing stands and the shaping ends became the feet. i hope you can envision that… but it worked out quite nicely, espically when i was in such a hurry to build a board i didnt want to stop and make a stand.
Howzit Mr. Clean, That’s exactly what I did,But my racks are made of 2x4’s and 4x4’s and 2x6’s with no buckets. The sliding attachment is for changing the lenth of the racks for small boards. Aloha, Kokua