After hours of nervously sweating and closely hovering over your latest blank, you finally step back and wipe the dust off your forehead, proudly sighting down its finished lines… until the awkward strangeness of its form begins to slowly pull together before your disbelieving eyes… this unintentionally asymmetrical white mélange of uncomplimentary curves, bears scant resemblance to much of anything you had originally intended… Once again, your very best efforts have been betrayed! Before you lies the biggest mistake you`ve ever shaped yet… But, years later, how many of you can fondly recall that same apparently hopeless disaster, which, when eventually glassed and ridden, turned out to be the surprising source of many great memories, and maybe even one of your all-time favorite boards?
I know what you mean…I’ve got one of those boards! Its a 7’ not quite an egg and is a buttugly shade of yellow. I painted the blank with craft paint from wal-mart after repairing some shaping dings with spackle. Of course it took the color different and ended up with light yellow patches along the stringer. I glassed it with expoy (first try using it) and ended up with a hot coat that cracked it places. The rails at the nose where nothing like I had envisioned and the turn down rails are more 50/50. I used fcs fins before I knew how to install them correctly and they are just epoxied in a hole in the bottom sort of like a leash plug. The damn thing goes like a bat-outa-hell and is one of my favorite rides. The plus side is you can leave on top of the car anywhere and one one will steal it!
After hours of nervously sweating and closely hovering over your latest > blank, you finally step back and wipe the dust off your forehead, proudly > sighting down its finished lines… until the awkward strangeness of its > form begins to slowly pull together before your disbelieving eyes… this > unintentionally asymmetrical white mélange of uncomplimentary curves, > bears scant resemblance to much of anything you had originally intended… > Once again, your very best efforts have been betrayed! Before you lies the > biggest mistake you`ve ever shaped yet…>>> But, years later, how many of you can fondly recall that same apparently > hopeless disaster, which, when eventually glassed and ridden, turned out > to be the surprising source of many great memories, and maybe even one of > your all-time favorite boards? …YEA! my 8’-1" gun sucked for a shape, and twisted during glassing,but it is king in performance.Herb.
It was a 5’ 2" knee board out of the back half of a broken longboard. I just stripped off enough glass to round off the nose and re-foiled the blob fin…OH the insane endless barrels I got on that freak board. Scott
After hours of nervously sweating and closely hovering over your latest > blank, you finally step back and wipe the dust off your forehead, proudly [snip] hehehehehehe. i dont think it was so much that it was goofed up (i’m obsessive/compulsive), but it was the DESIGN that would cry out. it was back when Cheyne did his thing with that egg-shaped single fin thing. being a builder, and someone who is always open-minded, i did a couple of those to see what it was all about. interesting board indeed. needless to say, we moved on with Simon’s thruster [smile]