Settling in Oregon?

Im looking for a small northern exposure type place in Oregon to spend some quality time surfing and starting a Oriental medical practice in. Does anyone have any advice?

Try Yachats. It’s got style and lots of up-scale waves.

I like Pacific City or Oceanside…

Im looking for a small northern exposure type place in Oregon to spend some quality time surfing and starting a Oriental medical practice in. Does anyone have any advice?

I don’t think you will find a lot of business close to the coast. Try Los Angeles.

Thanks for the advice, its truly priceless. As for LA, Ill pass on polluted waters and polluted air. Im looking for a small town with waves. But thanks anyway.

You said you wanted a small town in coastal Oregon, and also wanted to start an Oriental Medical Practice.

I’m pretty sure those two goals do not work well together.

However, they would work together in any coastal town with a lot of Asian immigrants. I don’t know if you’ve spent much time in coastal Oregon, but it ain’t there. There are scads of California towns that fit the bill, all of them south of the Golden Gate.

However, if you just got out of fishing and lumberjacking school, and were looking for a place to setup shop, coastal Oregon is looking for you!

I can definitly see your view, being that some of the best natropathic and alternative medicine schools are in Oregon Ill still try my luck with the lumberjaks. They need health care just as much as anyone. Asians are not a necessity to have a good practice, but thanks for the advice.