not duh
information-opinion-demonstrative yellow journalism
is a self serving apparatus.
I.E.self perpetuating editorial scheme to gather gilders ,krona,francs,
dollars,Yen,pesos,pilasters,rupia,tala and sene while yye may.
the oppertunity to strike a blow for a market share in a market
essentially created BY EDITORIAL PUBLICTIONS
is a narrow oppertunity…time is of the essence.
the $ spending atitude is fickle
the Sciience of seperating
impressionable children
young adults ,
aging cultists
and wanna bees
is becoming more and more refined…
to all that believe in replicative refining of the surfing implements
these guys are singing their song
may their approved dieities ,
gods, spirits,
heros and
benevolent mothers bless them
with disposable income.
the harvest of such income will drive the machine cranquing
out thousands of surfboards analualy.
these are superior renditions only when you buy into
also more is better
more waves
more spots
more contests
more riders
more pages in the makeascenes.
this is all about money changing
outside the temple
give onto caesar
that which is caesars.
for a small group of participants
more is not better.
less is more…better.
one wave from the right spot
to the milked out dry bone end
with only the ancient spirits witnessing.
hey old spirit how’s this wave?
hey old spirit how’s this shape?
hey old spirit am I here to witness the best wave?
when did the witness becone the star?
the ocean is the star.
we are not.
the magnificence
of ocean waves is our shared facination.
my mom was worried
my father was worried
watching me laying on the floor in front of the tv
Stop Playing with yourself!
at the kitchen table
Stop playing with your food!
My grand father was amused
watching me disect
a dry roten piece of wood from the creek
shaper of the year is the dominion of magazine concious.
shaper of the year is for the readership of the magazines
why aren’t every editorial staphococus entity
claiming their own choice for shaper of note?
why dont all the phone in voters
from accross the globe participating in the choosing ?
easy…theirs is the only one recognised shaper of the year at a time.
and that’s it!
case closed.
all it takes is to write a book to be an authority
in this case a magazine.
in the case of Herb Spitzer…ONE MAN.
Bill Barnfields international ad campagin
could be seventeen consecutive pages
[like a Guess ad with Anna Nicole]
and a full page font Blaring out
we all have the oppertunity to respect the I surf mags
0r not…
there is some kid some where making
sawdust ,isn’t he or she the shaper of the year?
they are more likely to formulate
a break through in wave riding
than any over lauded middle aged
dull cane knife…
up the revolution
the assination of the king
is only possible
after the king has been Identified
and been held responsible for all the woes of the world.
shaper of the year 1955
on the floor in front of the T.V.