Shaper vid?

Anybody know anything about that new shaper vid?

Anybody know anything about that new shaper vid? It is suppose to be very detailed. 2 hours long starring Jim Phillips. Thats all I know.

It is suppose to be very detailed. 2 hours long starring Jim Phillips. > Thats all I know. Hey Jim, Everytime I try to bring the website up I get Zilch. Whatssup? Good Surfin’, Rich

I’ve seen the Master Shaper Series. It is excellent, 2 hours with Jim Phillips detailing tools and selection, detailed overview of surfboard theory and raw blank to a finished classic longboard shape. There is an additional segment in the basic shaping segment that covers multi-stringered blanks and techniques for shaping and also winged shapes and proper finishing. Personally I feel it is easily worth the cost of the DVD program and it would have saved me 3x what it cost in blanks. Here is a corrected link to the site, Ed had a typo in his up above. Tom S.>>> It is suppose to be very detailed. 2 hours long starring Jim Phillips. > Thats all I know.

Thanks for the proofread Tom. Not the first time I’ve done that. Yeah, I will be ordering my copy this week. It will be my first DVD. Now I just gotta go and get a player, maybe time for the PS2,watch DVDs and a couple of those surfing games for the flat days…

too funny. Today my son just went out and spent his summer mowing and sweat equity $$ on a PS2. He’s in there now doing the Sunny Garcia Surfing game. Amazing graphics in the over the shoulder mode. Now we’ve got a DVD, time to upgrade the surf library. Tom S.>>> Thanks for the proofread Tom. Not the first time I’ve done that. Yeah, I > will be ordering my copy this week. It will be my first DVD. Now I just > gotta go and get a player, maybe time for the PS2,watch DVDs and a couple > of those surfing games for the flat days…

too funny. Today my son just went out and spent his summer mowing and > sweat equity $$ on a PS2. He’s in there now doing the Sunny Garcia Surfing > game. Amazing graphics in the over the shoulder mode. Now we’ve got a DVD, > time to upgrade the surf library.>>> Tom S. I just found out that Damascus has the VHS Video ready for sale.The good news is that the price is $59.95 including shipping.The website is currently being adjusted,check back later tonight.