Shaper's Hot Seat Tomorrow: George Gall of PlusOne

Look for a new thread tomorrow Sunday Dec 7 through the 14th.

cool!  the doctor of asym’s!

Cool! I miss when he used to be a regular contributer. Nice boards, great attitude and willing to help out. 

how’d you do that Huck?

haha - pics 2 and 3 are your board!  Just dug back and found an old thread, took the pics you put up and reposted them here.

I just gotta say and this doesn’t rhyme! Even though he’s not in the classroom anymore he’s still a teacher,  even though he’s not in the lab anymore he’s still an engineer!  Thanks to GG we have a lightweight planer, and a vac that clears…the room!  My friend whom I have never met, yet…  a  shapers shaper, he’s more than asyms so ask away!  Just my 2c…  Have fun, G!

PlusOne: the engineer board builder – and a mathematician.  Very cool…

I will be tuned in for sure.

I hope he is willing to share a few tasty crumbs with the common man.

talking and working with George not only brings back the grom stoke to an aging 60 year old but makes me want to surf and continue to try new and innovative things.

one of the nicest and most knowledgeable guys in the business pushing the envelope instead of just trying to make a buck selling to the clueless

talking with george is always an education and one that leaves you more excited  than before you started

mahalo George!