Shaping 1st board... Suggestions?

Hi all,

    I’ve done lots of studying and reading on these forums, what a great place to gain knowledge. Thanks to those who have taken the time to share their skills. With that being said, I will be shaping a board for the first time come a few weeks, and wanted to hear a little feedback from people with quality experience. 

   At first thought, I wanted to make a Mini Simmons, thinking the design could be fairly simple, and therefor easier. However, I then began to entertain the option of making an egg, similar to a Takayama in the 7’0" region. Would be a bit more foam, but I think I may be able to challenge myself just slightly more, and overall have a better learning experience…

Thoughts? I have experience with craftsmanship and tools. I am going in to this with the expectations that I will continue shaping surfboards for years to come, so I would like to start off on the right foot. I am definitely open to any and all suggestions, not just pertaining to the two board types I previously listed. I am also interested in hearing about some of your first boards, if you would like to share!




D- not trying to throw water on your fire; It’s great that you want to learn how to shape. This question gets asked alot on this site, and some of the old time guys will tell you the same thing. Search the archives. The question has been answered before. Also, Look at the first two topics. There is alot of really usefull information in there for beginners.

As for what type of board to shape; more information is needed. What size are you? What level of surfer are you? What type of waves at your break? etc. If you were to have a custom shaper make you a board, he would be asking all these questions and more.

Good Luck and when you do shape it, make sure to post it here.


A proper Mini Simmons is much more complex than a 7 foot egg. And much harder to shape if you do it right. My surf travel buddy has a real Mini Simmons shaped by Joe Bauguess…My notes say…Hydrodynamica Test Pilot. Step deck, twin fin, single concave to double, flat out the back…outline has a “piggy” kink 18" from the tail.…build whatever you want…Please check your ego before you challenge yourself. Keep it simple stupid. KISS…Stingray

Once you decide on the shape and size board you are going with, spend an equal amount of time researching the blank catalog to find the appropriate blank.

Thanks to those who have commented back this far! I have/will continue to search the archives for more info as well. 

  Thank you for the input everyone. As far as my dimensions, I’m 6’1" 185-190 and would consider myself probably a seasoned intermediate surfer haha. There’s always room for improvement. Although summer is coming to an end shortly I would like the board to be for smaller, mushier days on a longer/slopey face. I don’t want to jump straight in to something high performance. 

I do see that this question has been asked previously, I will definitely continue to search the archives.




I made a 6’8 egg based on the Takayama Scorpion, and I’d be happy to send you the dims I used. This is a good board as it will still catch and ride waves even with the unavoidable mistakes that will be made on your 1st board. I now make the board for people who want a short mush-killer. I’ve got pics somewhere too if you want.

If I went the egg route, I was thinking 7’0"x21-22"x2 3/4. Wide point on center. 50/50 rails. 2 + 1 fin setup. Single to double concave.

For the mini Simmons , 5’11"-6’0"x23"x3" with a tail width of 19 1/2. Twin keel, single concave?


I made a 6’8 egg based on the Takayama Scorpion, and I’d be happy to send you the dims I used. 




That would be amazing and I would be very grateful for that! I tried to reply on here, but i’m on my mobile so the links get jumbled.  The scorpion/scorpion 2 is exactly what I had in mind, so this would be killer! Thanks a ton

Don’t know a thing about mini-simmons, but my 6’8 normally uses 16.5 x 21.5 x 15 x 2.75. Rocker 4 5/8n x 2 3/8t. Also, I make them mostly as a quad + 1, but the thruster (or 2+1) works well too. I do single to double with v at the side bites. Have fun.

I wish I could quote someone on this but I can’t…In my early days on Sways I was given this tip more than once…Find a board that works for you, modify or refine from there… Ten years later this backyard guy has several “designs” that I know work for me…for me, not the general public.

Phebus has a good tip…proper blank. When someone throws out a bunch of numbers at you…counter attack…“So,you build a nice 6-8 egg…What blank did you use?” …Rocker is everything. A 6-8 made from a fun board/big fish blank is much different than a 6-8 made from a Rusty blank…It’s been flat for weeks… we need a good south swell…Ray

Bingo! I’ve got a handful of boards that started out as an idea I got either looking at or fixing someone else’s board. I would make my own version with tweaks over the years, some of which worked and some that didn’t. Eventually, I got the magic width/thickness/rocker etc., and now they are a permanent part of my quiver. Not sure how someone else would like them, but they are perfect for me.

"If I went the egg route, I was thinking 7’0"x21-22"x2 3/4. Wide point on center. 50/50 rails. 2 + 1 fin setup. Single to double concave. "

That’s not a bad plan at all, but if you’re planning on a 2+1 you might want to use a little more aggressive rail profile.  50-50 is for noseriders and hulls.  Also, 22" would be your max width.   For your first board a flat bottom with a little vee (you’ll plan for 1/8" and end up with 1/4") will be a lot easier to pull off and it will still surf very nicely.  

My advice is this.

You’re amoungst craftsmen.

Don’t insult them.

Use a planer.

Not a computer.


Blank Catalog



Handle said blank

See your concept

See the board


Carve it out with your hands and skill

Glass it

Surf it!

Simple, yeah???