shaping: project number one

gooday swaylckrs,

my name is jeremy dossetter and i am 16 years of age and i live in san francisco, ca. i’m super stoked because yesterday i just completed shaping my first board! it’s a retro style singlefin appropriately named “big chunk” haha because it’s really thick and wide. it’s 5’ 11" x 23 x 3. but hey! it was an awesome process and learining experience and the first of hopefully many more to come. it is next going to the glasser (mother won’t let me glass it in the basement - probably a smart idea) so anyway stay tuned! any comments and feedback would be really appreciated and taken to heart for the near future.

p.s. sorry about the numerous posts…i think i was a little too excited and tried to post really soon and kind of messed up all the photos. anyways, heres the real post!

the last of the photos


Your first effort looks far better than my first effort at age 17. After you have learned what that board can teach you, DON’T sell it, or give it a way. Store it, and keep it, so that many years later you can see how far you have progressed.

I’m assuming you will continue surf and shape. Good show!

one more photo

I hope you plan on glassing it yourself… I like the diamond tail, looks great so far, Let us know how it turns out and rides!


That tail looks amazing! Great work!

Very nice first. Can’t wait to see it glassed?

Hey JDM,

Yeah man, i loving that tail also… It’s looking sweet, quite progressive rocker line - looks like it’ll fly. Keep up the good work & can’t wait to see the final product. Picked up my new blank today, can’t wait to get stuck back in. Are you going for any tinting or sprays?

Take it easy, Chaz

thanks chaz! i sort of went about the rocker with a gut feeling. it’s a little more than usual but that’s the fun, isnt it? i’ve got a sort of pinstripe idea in mind. i guess you’ll have to stay tuned till after its glassed. :slight_smile:

maxmercy -

that was the original plan but i need to find a space that someone will let me use. until then i guess it’s going to someone else. oneday though…