shaping record?

Can anyone beat the shaping time for a 9ft6in 3-stringer Malibu from bare blank with untrimmed stringers thru to ready to glass professional board.

28 minutes ------- Recorded Harbord Beach N.S.W. Australia in 1961

I think Phil Becker can do two in that amount of time.

Good on you Phil —of course I meant by hand !

12 weeks so far and counting.

Why oh why did you call yourself downunder.



What’s on in 12 weeks?

That’s my record for shaping and finishing a board.

very very slow…



Can anyone beat the shaping time for a 9ft6in 3-stringer Malibu from bare blank with untrimmed stringers thru to ready to glass professional board.

28 minutes ------- Recorded Harbord Beach N.S.W. Australia in 1961

what’s the hurry ?

good [and in my case, bad] boards normally take a bit of take time …


Does it ride any better than one that takes 12 weeks to make?

I’m slower than you! (now I have something I can feel proud of) building my wooden lis fish has taken 9 months now, and it’s not finished yet… Now I"only" have to glue the bottom, rails, shape’em, put fins and glass the whole thing…

Maybe 9 months more…


You made me laugh aloud, that was so funny.

My first HWS took 8 months I think…I know what you are feeling man…

It’s a seasonal thing…

Mine took the gestation period of a human, yours is an elephant’s, gonna be sweet when it’s finished.



It may not ride any better but it sure rides 11 weeks and 7days longer.

Cheers fella’s its 0240 Queensland time—just 3 hours till next wave

Good on you Phil ---of course I meant by hand !

By hand meaning using block planers…

Or by hand meaning not starting with a pre-machined blank?

Using a standard planer Becker can mow through blanks in 20 minutes…averaging 11 hand shaped boards a day for decades. The speed master.

I suppose we had better get the records straight !

Board 9 ft.6in. x 22in.

Blank was unmachined with hard skin glued up with three 5/8 inch maple stringers 5inches apart (slightly over-deep)

Electric hand plane ,hand block plane & sanding blocks

28 minutes .------- he must be really flying at 20 minutes !

Cheers from Snapper Rocks

Re Phil Becker’s speed at shaping - What is the quality of his workmanship and shapes/designs. He seems to keep a pretty low profile and does not get much mention here or on any of the other bulletin boards. I’ve been thinking about either his UFO or Mike Gee model because the price is right. Any owners out there with comment?



Jeeze it takes me 20 minutes just to find a pencil.


Jeeze it takes me 20 minutes just to find a pencil.

Now that is funny!

Howzit Mr Clean, I know what you mean it just took me 15 mins to find my roll of 2 inch tape and it was in front of my face.Finding a pencil would take so long I just go and get a new one from the house. But then again my moon rises in chaos.Aloha,Kokua

Long ago when I was buff young surf-shape dude I could mow six boards per day.Skin em and cut em out in the morning.Eat lunch and finish em in the afternoon.I could turn the rail bands and screen one in about 20 minutes.I had lots of pencils back then. RB

28 minutes. on a 1961 blank! to professional standards (circa 1961, of course)! in australia!

who did it?

who recorded it?

where’s the documentation to be found?

got a picture of the board?

i’m taking this with a grain of salt, thanks.

had a big argument with the sp. over her fixation on shark attacks. “great white shark attacks in the mediterranian sea”. she showed me the documentation. 3 pieces of documentation. the best one was a newspaper article that indicated the reporter asked a passerby strolling on the beach what he saw. “a great big shark that was light colored”, the beachwalker said. that was in 1916. the other two pieces of documentation weren’t that good.

got any documentation?

It may not ride any better but it sure rides 11 weeks and 7days longer.

Cheers fella’s its 0240 Queensland time—just 3 hours till next wave

correction, sooner, not longer. a HWS will last forever (nearly)