How long would you say it took you to shape your first longboard? Your 10th? 50th? 100th? 1,000th? And by what degree has the shaping improved?
How long would you say it took you to shape your first longboard? Your > 10th? 50th? 100th? 1,000th?>>> And by what degree has the shaping improved? My personal experience is that early on while you are still really green and can’t see any of the flaws is when it doesn’t seem to take that long. As you develope some sense of ability it starts to take longer and longer. For a while as I was building my name up, I would spend an average of 3 hours on each shape, every one had to be flawless, perfect lines, no scratches, after all a reputaton is on the line. Now 40,000 boards later, it all falls into place pretty easily, but I still spend close to 2 hours on a hand shape. I feel before hitting the 1000 board mark, more or less, it is still a search for the right way to get the job done, unless you are so lucky to fall under the wing of a really accomplished shaper/craftsman and you pick up the correct habits. I see all too many fledglings learning from a person who learned from some one who learned from some one who didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. The cycle becomes complete with more crap going in, crap coming out.
My personal experience is that early on while you are still really green > and can’t see any of the flaws is when it doesn’t seem to take that long. > As you develope some sense of ability it starts to take longer and longer. > For a while as I was building my name up, I would spend an average of 3 > hours on each shape, every one had to be flawless, perfect lines, no > scratches, after all a reputaton is on the line. Now 40,000 boards later, > it all falls into place pretty easily, but I still spend close to 2 hours > on a hand shape. I feel before hitting the 1000 board mark, more or less, > it is still a search for the right way to get the job done, unless you are > so lucky to fall under the wing of a really accomplished shaper/craftsman > and you pick up the correct habits. I see all too many fledglings learning > from a person who learned from some one who learned from some one who > didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. The cycle becomes complete > with more crap going in, crap coming out. Right on!!