Hey all you super skilled, or even slightly skilled surfboard enthusiasts.

Cerritos College is hosting the Surf Divas program for the shop department of a local middle school. There will be about a dozen surf stoked 7th and 8th grade girls shaping, painting, and glassing their own surfboards. That’s awsome!

It’s new and they need you to help it succeed. The girls need surfboard people to steer their enthusiasm in the right direction and impart wisdom.

Swaylock’s is all about sharing. Come out and share. You’ll be making memories that last a life time for these girls. If I had attended a class like this when I was in 8th grade, I’m sure I would’ve been blown away.

Pump up the stoke! Help these surfer girls be succesful. Pride and Joy will be the result. That pays back bigtime.

For dates and times, check out the flier in the SURFER DIVAS post.

With some basic surfboard knowledge and experience and a woodworking instructor background, I would be more than glad to jump in and help. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that the cost of the flight from Biarritz and back would be a major hang up… Sorry.

Well, at least you would help. I can see that the commute would be prohibitive.

Now you’d think that among all the skill that is here in Orange County and L.A. there would be a handful of people willing to share knowledge and stoke with these you ladies.


If I had attended a class like this when I was in 8th grade, I’m sure I would’ve been blown away.

You mean if you were an 8th grade boy in a room full of Jr. High girls… I bet you would be happy, but …

I would love to come out and help teach, the only prohibitive factors being that I live on the East Coast and that I’m not that great a shaper myself. I’d probably be learning right along with them! I wish there had been something like this when I was that age.

It’s great that you’re spreading the stoke of shaping to young girls. I’m not sure about everyone personally, but I’ve heard from a lot of people that the average age someone starts surfing on their own without parental involvement and pressure is 12-13. And I certainly understand because that’s when I first learned to surf. It’s a very important age in psychological development, and getting them hooked on something so rewarding will be the best later on in life.

Who knows, maybe I can swing by for a weekend. Got to check how much a plane ticket costs.


You mean if you were an 8th grade boy in a room full of Jr. High girls… I bet you would be happy, but …

Good point :slight_smile:

Actually, I’m just a bystander but I think it’s a great idea. I was at the workshop last weekend and was impressed by those putting on the program. I was talking to them and they asked that we spread the word. That prompted me to start this post.

I said the same thing. I’m not a shaper, I’m learning also. But anybody can help. These girls are really new to it. If you can show them how to use a sanding block, work a squeege, make a straight tape line, or just give positive support, you’re helping. There will be helpers of different skill levels so there something for everybody who wants to help.


Thanks for all your help.  I think there are some people that are willing, they just need a little nudge.   
